BOC Brain pod test

Pod review of BOC Brain, which is a Bhut Orange Copenhagen crossed with 7-Pot Brainstrain. It had good flavor and heat, seemed more aligned with the BOC than Brainstrain. The pod was grown and sent to me by 96strat, along with an awesome box of other beautiful, wicked looking pods.
Strat sends REALLY nice box's, I've been lucky enough to get a few from him. Great review Peter! That thing was huge, 14 grams is massive. Adams mustard bhutlah was 16 grams and was two huge mouthfuls. Not sure how you did that in one bite, are you part chipmunk?
How were the after effects? Did the BS show itself in the cap cramps?
hogleg said:
Strat sends REALLY nice box's, I've been lucky enough to get a few from him. Great review Peter! That thing was huge, 14 grams is massive. Adams mustard bhutlah was 16 grams and was two huge mouthfuls. Not sure how you did that in one bite, are you part chipmunk?
How were the after effects? Did the BS show itself in the cap cramps?
Thanks hogleg. Yeah I should've eaten in 2 bites, was a lot to chew and swallow. I did have cap cramps wake me up last night. I've had worse ones, but they were pretty bad, didn't last too long though.
Hahahaha nice hogleg i was amazed peter got that giant pod in one bite  :)
Strat killer looking pods brother !!
Peter what can i say brother that was an awesome review you are crazy.  :)  Love these Keep em coming. And i'm with brother hogleg any after effects ?

Hahaha Nevermind