food Bocadillo-style Brisket

On Easter, a tribesman I've known online for almost a decade now was revisiting a cook I'd just noted of his from a few weeks earlier ...



And the earlier cook was ...


So I went on to fully investigate ... because brisket, and because while my friend lives in MIA, he has an office in Austin, and eats phenomenal Q in his timeline at all times ... yes, Franklin et al ...

So I watched the Triple D ...

Awww Yissss ... so likable ... I'm sure I'm trying this cook, now ...

Okay, so ...


And also online:

Cool ...

Nobody ever gives it all up, though, so I had to poke around ... you know, cyberstalk a bit ...

Here's where it began, before there was any location, when it was a catering item, in '12:


Still pretty sexy ...

Along the way, it's been covered a few times, and it's been shared being prepped more candidly ;)



But really, really digging ... like, mining ...


Ahhhhh ...

And it seems to be more about the process than the pickling + spice mixture, because ...





So I grabbed a brisket flat earlier today, and it went Down in the DM ...


Now ... while I really wanted to know all about it, I also just doing whatever I want to!


Get it done!? #kitteh


Set the oven for 200F, and lined up some options ...

Ultimately, here's what got used in my riff on it ...


And the obligatory 'before' shot ...


And into the oven, in the FO ...


That's it for tonight!
It started to smell nice at the couch, almost too nice ... so I changed my mind about leaving it go overnight, and peeked to make sure it wasn't going faster than I'd imagined it would ...


Looks okay, so unless I'm awake for hours longer, I think it really will be left alone until late morning, now ...

internal is like 205-210F, but the collagen isn't all happy, so I put it back down to 200F to hang out for some hours ... and will uncover it and hit it with 20-30 mins of 350F to dry it up at the end.
Status ...


Flipping it back over, a little piece popped off where the tongs grabbed ...


It's tender, juicy still, and very aromatic ...

I turned the oven down to 170F and returned it uncovered ...

After a while, I think I'll mix up some ketchup, sour cream, relish, and Caribbean Chocolate powder, and make a hot sammie w/ melted muenster, on pumpernickel rye ...
Just pulled it out, forked a small pile off into the jus, and kung pao'd it where I stood ...

I flipped it over to get some barkiness on the bottom-side, and it's mostly just holding in the 170F oven ...


It's a rainy day, so the pics are dark and shitty, sorry ...

I'll get motivated over the next little while, and then I'll have to see about fixing that hot sammie ...
It needed like nine or so to be ready, but it's been holding a couple extra just because it's earlier than I eat like that ... soon though!
cypresshill1973 said:
Looks great. What to make with it?
Funny you should ask ...

Danielle came out of her cave and was into it, so I think we're having it w/ mashed potatoes now ...

About the cook ...

I poked it w/ a fork ...


Shitty pics, sorry ...

Anyways, it made a whole bunch of lean beef ...


There's too much clove on the nose, and nothing about is corned ... but it's essentially the best slow-cooker beef stew meat ever.


Those chunks will be used for Mexican/Hispanic dishes, not reubens ;)

So, the cooking technique is cool, for being so easy and having a wide time window for serving, but the seasoning isn't worth duplicating IMO ...

Thegreenchilemonster said:
I bet it would be good in a bolillo, with guac, pico de gallo, mayo, and tomato.
Bolillo with black bean spread, garlic mayo, pickled jalapnos, guac, and a fried egg... and that beef.
And asadero cheese duhhh....