Bone meal...better options?

miguelovic said:
What could Acadian as one of the largest global suppliers of kelp possibly have to do with overharvesting...


Granted they are one of the more responsible companies, I don't think the people of Maine care too much for their presence. I'm no historian on the company, but their attitude and efforts remind me of the local forestry companies. Sustainably clear cutting our forests to responsibly produce wood products, habitat destruction, top soil erosion, ground (and drinking) water contamination, etc. They even have a new harvesting technique, vastly different from clear cutting. They leave one tree per acre to reseed. Although I wouldn't spend much time looking for that tree. Without the support of his brothers, he rarely lives out the year.
And that's true why? Because it's on the internet and you found a link to repute it? Typical. :rolleyes:
Do you ever post anything positive? It's rare.

miguelovic said:
Ah, so then it's exactly the same as other meal amendments used in organic mixes ? Re: nutrient availability. I thought the whole point of organics was to step away from highly soluble fertilizers. What's Coot got to say about this? Ah right, he threw a hissy fit and quit GC. Where are you going to get your opinion from now...
It just shows how goddamn little, as usual, you know about things. Troll elsewhere asshole.
And if you are going to whine to THP tell him to delete my account if I have to continue to listen to your shit.
muskymojo said:
Last year was the first year ever when I didn't have even a single paste tomato with BER in a certain garden plot. The only thing I did differently last year was add a handful of gypsum while planting each plant. I did the same thing this year, so we shall see if it works again...
thats what i use and it works great !      :onfire:
Proud Marine Dad said:
And that's true why? Because it's on the internet and you found a link to repute it? Typical. :rolleyes:
Do you ever post anything positive? It's rare.

It just shows how goddamn little, as usual, you know about things. Troll elsewhere asshole.
And if you are going to whine to THP tell him to delete my account if I have to continue to listen to your shit.
Now that is some rich fertilizer. I've read enough of your "IT'S ORGAAAAAAAAANIC!" and "ORGAAAAAAANIC IS DA BESS! DA BESS!" That I have to say that I'm really tired of your schitck. All I've ever seen from you is an attitude of "never think things through, never give up". You really don't appear to have done your homework. I haven't seen you actually prove what you say to be true. Yet you act as though you've done the research. That you've got the data to back it up your claims. But when we look at you and your 50 organic soil additives in action (i.e. last years glog) we see nothing that supports your claims.

I'm not against organics in any way shape or form. I've seen it work for others. You've clearly read something on organics, but it seems as though all you're doing is taking what you've read on the internet at face value without any sort of critical eye. Please, show us where you got the information to support your claims and the results it's achieved.

Until then an example of your inability to cast a critical eye would be your post on "Peat vs coco fiber. What one study shows" thread found at:

Your very first post says:

Proud Marine Dad said:
It's a good article if you take it at face value. Not so much if you have experience with coir and do a bit of critical thinking and can recognize the flaws with the study. Your analysis in that thread is based on one article. That says it all. You represent the very definition of bad science. Yet here we are. You calling migeulovic out for not knowing anything.

Oh, and I hope you realize the hypocrisy in decrying miguelovic for EXACTLY what you do.

muskymojo said:
Last year was the first year ever when I didn't have even a single paste tomato with BER in a certain garden plot. The only thing I did differently last year was add a handful of gypsum while planting each plant. I did the same thing this year, so we shall see if it works again...
Thanks for the feedback.
ColdSmoke said:
 they are forgetting the fact that he's trying to explain it in terms that newer growers can relate to.
     I don't think that's the case at all. If it is, he's a horrible teacher.
ColdSmoke said:
 I'm going to trust them as they are the ones with something on the line. 
     Why not read some unbiased information from someone who's livelihood doesn't depend on selling the product he's trying to "educate" folks about. You're trusting the worst possible source to give you straight information.
     Your approach is like going to a Ford salesman to find out who makes the best pickup truck. You're just not going to get factual, relevant information that will help you make an educated decision. 
ColdSmoke said:
 Not the bucket biologists around here who are making online criticisms.  I'm sure they know what their stuff, but cherry picking bad language in a YouTube video isn't enough for me drop a product. 
     Listen, buddy. We're just trying to help you understand that there are almost certainly less expensive choices out there that work just as well as what this guy's company is pushing. If we're "bucket biologists" who are doing nothing but "cherry picking bad language", then it's fair to say you are a soft-headed philistine shouting "Shut up and take my money!" while sticking your fingers in your ears to avoid hearing a discussion that might benefit you.
     I agree that this guy is trying to reach "newer growers" as his mark. I'm just not so naive to think his intentions are as pure as you appear to. After all, he has "something on the line". You said it yourself, for crying out loud!
edit: Also, I have a bridge to sell you. This is not a scam. You can trust me, I'm the one selling it to you.  ;)
Believe what you want, I'm not here to hold your hand. I present facts and my opinion. I frequently state to take no ones word as gospel, especially my own. A fact feels much more true when researched properly rather than just taken at face value. I'm also a newer grower, and not much more than the sum of repeated failures with a bit of success here and there. While I can research my ass off, putting that information to use is a different beast.
This is the original post I used that graph in. This is the link I included with that post. I prefer to provide the source of any information I post so that people can read the original for themselves. I see you don't have this problem.
If you do want to learn, simply type in "history of kelp industry" or "kelp overharvesting" into your search engine of choice and start reading. If you're curious by nature it will lead far and wide.
Kelp meal, neem meal, rock dusts, etc, are the bulwark of organic growers, yet few are willing to acknowledge the wasteful practice of shipping soil amendments worldwide or the ramifications of harvesting/extracting on an increasingly larger scale. To me this goes entirely against the spirit of natural growing. As growers we must accept that our choices as a whole can have an impact on the world around us. The overuse of kelp meal and kelp products by ourselves and the cosmetics industry is putting undue strain on harvesters to produce.
Editted down to reduce the clutter in RJ's thread.
Its all good Miguelovic and you have some good points.
I was not in any way referring to the IC mag incident which I know nothing of, I was referring to CC leaving the forum and its not what you think but I am not at liberty to discuss it. Anyways I apologize for being short sometimes and not writing out exactly what I mean and it obviously comes across wrong and as happens so often on forums since we cannot hear each other or see facial expressions, etc things get misinterpreted and argue ensues. I guess we all need to stop and think twice before we post as the anonymity of the web makes it too easy to just blurt out things we shouldn't.
Hybrid Mode 01 said:
     Yes they will. Egg shells are almost 100% CaCO3.
How much egg shells would you recommend me to add into 7 gallon pots per plant. I am starting to transplant about 20 habs in 30 minutes or so, and I have my blender ready to crush the shells. Got a lot of shells I was saving over the winter.
crow said:
How much egg shells would you recommend me to add into 7 gallon pots per plant. I am starting to transplant about 20 habs in 30 minutes or so, and I have my blender ready to crush the shells. Got a lot of shells I was saving over the winter.
I use an old coffee grinder as it turns them into a fine powder. Just don't inhale the small cloud of dust that comes off the shells when you open the grinder. It's bad and sends me into a coughing fit. lol
A blender would work as well but I am not sure how fine they would be.
crow said:
How much egg shells would you recommend me to add into 7 gallon pots per plant. I am starting to transplant about 20 habs in 30 minutes or so, and I have my blender ready to crush the shells. Got a lot of shells I was saving over the winter.
I use approximately 2 Tablespoonfuls per planting hole.  I don't  have a scientific basis behind that number, and at the same time I haven't ever had any issues.  The eggshell will basically be "inert" in terms of bioavailability to the plant until it gets broken down in the soil.
I don't know if you could even overdo it with eggshell.
I am as far from a master gardener as you  can get.  I was thinking I would post what I do for calcium.
Indoors, with the seedlings, CalMag was my savior.  This year I finally added some CalMag to the tap water I used to water my seedlings and the plants suddenly started growing and were very dark green.  Before adding CalMag, the seedlings would grow but I would get leaf drop and the leaves were definitely yellowing.
Outdoors, I put some pelletized Calcium in the hole with each plant.  I use Quik-Cal from Garden's Alive.  It is basically Calcium Carbonate or Agricultural Limestone as the package describes it.   I have done a foliar spray of Epsom Salts for Mg and laid some out around each plant.  Right now, my plants are doing good.  I am happy thus far.  I am sure something bad will eventually happen but all is well so far. 
I appreciate all of the info that everyone of you post.  Please stay active members and keep the info flowing!