Bonnie Habanero

Felt like showing off a little bit. Took a trip to my local nursery and found a nice size bonnie habanero plant. Never seen these before. I did see them afterwards when I went to home depot...
Obviously I had to buy it. $10. Felt like it was a score since I didn't start any seeds this year. Probably about 3 feet high by 3 ft. Wide. Hopefully I can get some pods out of it, beautiful looking plant though



Top shot
As you're growing in pot's too here's my method... Water when growing media is dry/pot is light/plant leaves slightly drooped - saturate media (What I mean is put pot in a bigger container and media is thoroughly soaked before removing, note weight when removing.) - next watering is with nutes at 1/2 recommended application when growing media is dry/pot is light/plant leaves slightly drooped - saturate media with nute infused water (What I mean is put pot in a bigger container and media is thoroughly soaked before removing.), when growing media is dry/pot is light - repeat -repeat. One point is weight, we get rain here and you don't want to soak pot until it's light so there's no "schedule".  Second point is I use nutes and they've worked very well for me....
Hope this helps!
Thanks a bunch for the link and the advice. I does get pretty hot here so shade is a big deal for me right now. Trying to find the best spot. Probably just gunna get more shade cloth.