• Everything other than hot peppers. Questions, discussion, and grow logs. Cannabis grow pics are only allowed when posted from a legal juridstiction.


Some members may remember me talking about wanting to bonsai a super hot. Well i did! Actually i didn't one of my girlfriends friends is a bonsaiaholic and did this for me in exchange for a big fat Naga trunk that she could keep herself.
All the flowers this season dropped, i put it down to not feeding it. About two weeks after i applied fish emulsion and potash it popped out some little pods! There are four on it at the moment.

Bonsai Douglah




Anyone else tried Bonsai this season?
This might be the coolest post I've seen here, ever. Granted, I'm new... but damn man, that's bloody awesome.

Thankyou, my head is growing fatter by the minute. :lol:

@Justaguy, the seed was planted around 18 months ago.
The plant used is in the front of this pic, in the big rectangular container.
That's a mighty impressive trunk on your Douglah there Nova. ;)

I haven't had a chance to try 'Bonchi' as some call it.

The first i saw of it was on fatalii.net and Jukka there has done some amazing work with his bonsai chile (bonchi) plants.

It looks like it may be another good option for overwintering chile plants, because the plants are cut back extensively on both the branches and roots and are then placed into a small growing pot.

And then the next season, those bonchi plants can be put into a normal growing container...and watch them take off and produce a bountiful pepper crop. :dance: :woohoo: :cool:

Here's a link

Bonchi link

Thanks for all the kind comments guys! Who knows maybe this will end up in the ground one day... Nahhhhhh
It looks good for a bonchi. The trunk is a bit tall for the pot. I my self would remove the branch on the right and rotate the plant about 45° counter clockwise. But over all a great start, let it grow out a good bit and then cut it back hard and wire. An your on your way to a nice full crown. The nebri (Root base) is awsome.
It looks good for a bonchi. The trunk is a bit tall for the pot. I my self would remove the branch on the right and rotate the plant about 45° counter clockwise. But over all a great start, let it grow out a good bit and then cut it back hard and wire. An your on your way to a nice full crown. The nebri (Root base) is awsome.

Thankyou. I really liked your comment because im a total beginner at this. The way you described what you would like to do to the plant, do you have any pics of similar plants ?
Thankyou. I really liked your comment because im a total beginner at this. The way you described what you would like to do to the plant, do you have any pics of similar plants ?

I wish I did have a picture of my own. It's been a few years since I've kept Bonsai. Moving around alot kept me from caring for them as well as I would have liked. Here is a good example of what you could do found on the web http://comps.fotosearch.com/comp/BDX/BDX422/haende-besitz-bonsai_~bxp154698.jpg. It takes a bit of time to form a good bonsai, though faster with peppers. I will just point out the things that could be corrected if you so chose. The first being the hieght, normaly a bonsai is 1/3rd taller than the pot, I normally cut my trunk to the size of pot I want to use and let the new growth of the crown make up the last 1/3rd, so the end result is the correct size for the pot. Secound is the branch at the right, the trunk has a sight lean to the right normally the first heavy branch will grow from the outside of a bend or lean. Though the trunk does not need to be rotated the growth growing directly forward should be removed, It's hard to tell from the pictures but I think it would be better to rotate the plant and you would end up in effect with more options for your base branches.

Another option would be to cut the heavy branches as follows.


But give it time and let it grow out a bit.
Excellent work, Nova!

Here's a simple guide for making a "Bonchi" (Bonsai Chile):

Another use for your Bonchis:

Some more Bonchis:

The ultimate Bonchi gallery:

Here's my personal favorite - C. rhomboideum:

That is a little beauty :)

I would really like to try some Bonchi'ing - think it would be a nice little ocupation during the %¤&#""#¤ winter months! :rolleyes: