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Bonzai chiles?

I dwarfed my nagas last year by inoculating the soil with the wrong mycorrhizal fungi. That was an accident, though.
I've never done real bonchis like Fatalii, but I dwarf many plants for the winter and then grow them out big again in the summer.
I've never done real bonchis like Fatalii, but I dwarf many plants for the winter and then grow them out big again in the summer.

How do you dwarf them and then reverse it? My poor Nagas never got more than about 7 or 8 inches tall. They had far more root than plant, and in August, each one produced exactly one beautiful full-sized Naga pod.

I wish I hadn't lost the pictures, it was pretty funny.
I dwarf them by cutting them way back including roots and continue to prune them as they grow. When I want them to grow more in the spring, I give them a bigger pot and a bit of fertilizer
I dwarf them by cutting them way back including roots and continue to prune them as they grow. When I want them to grow more in the spring, I give them a bigger pot and a bit of fertilizer

Oh, ok, I thought you were talking about some other process. I accidentally used chemical warfare on my Nagas.
MrArboc said:
Did any one of you try this? Any pictures or words of advice you'd like to chare?

Bonzai chiles

quite amazing .. i didnt know you could Bonzai chili plants...

would be really nice gifts in the winter...

thanks for sharing that, giving me some ideas...;)