Bored today so I decided to

I'm going to give it a whirl. They say no light is needed and only temp to do it successfully is between 70-80*. The seeds are barely under the dirt and really moist paper towels over/covering the dirt. Spent a buck on the container at the dollar store lol.
moruga welder said:
i use  chamillie tea 
I use for damping-off

I sprayed daily for a few days until
plants are pushed up.

1 tea bag of chamomile in 1/2 cup water infused 1/2 hour.
floricole said:

I use for damping-off

I sprayed daily for a few days until
plants are pushed up.

1 tea bag of chamomile in 1/2 cup water infused 1/2 hour.
thats one problem i ever had , was dampening off .      
I just germinated like 20+ varieties. Used the typical plastic tray, MG seed starting mix, with clear plastic lid and a heating mat. They all germinated except for the Jamaican Hot Chocolates. Doh! I have extra seeds. I think I will give your OP method a shot :) Might include the 'Giant Mexican Rocoto' as well. Only one seedling out of the 9 seeds sprouted for those.
moruga welder said:
for some reason i have no luck starting seeds in paper towels !  don't have a clue as to why either .  damp towel, container , warm spot , lights you name it !     
MW, I germinated 3/3 of your Repaer seeds (one popped in 4 days), and 3/3 Choc 7 pod all on wet tissue (tissue is easier to break if the root digs in) or kleenex as you call them. Longest to pop was a Choc 7 pod and took about three weeks. I use zip lock bags as opposed to containers though and just moisten with plain tap water. 
Shorerider said:
MW, I germinated 3/3 of your Repaer seeds (one popped in 4 days), and 3/3 Choc 7 pod all on wet tissue (tissue is easier to break if the root digs in) or kleenex as you call them. Longest to pop was a Choc 7 pod and took about three weeks. I use zip lock bags as opposed to containers though and just moisten with plain tap water. 
for some reason that method doesn't like me , don't no why . but i won't give up !    :onfire:
These aren't pepper seeds, but I have had great success germinating veggies using this method for several years .... I used to use baggies but tubs are easier to open and access the seeds... These tubs were 4 for $3.50 if I recall correctly...
These squash popped in 3 to 4 days...

Pepper seeds are more stubborn and take much longer for me personally... I don't think this method is any faster than other methods given all of the other variables are identical, especially temperature and moisture... Some of my super hots  took approximately 20 days to germinate using this method...The major advantage to this method is that I don't plant non-viable seeds, only sprouted seeds take up space in my seedling trays...
My impression is that she only used cucumber seeds, now those guys are crazy. I have planted 20 ish cucumbers (5 different varieties) myself, in one of those starter greenhouse things. Those things are crazy! I had hooks showing after 24 hours, three days later all of thew had popped out giving me a 100% success rate. I've had chilli seeds germinate after 24 hours too, but generally it takes me ot least 5 days in the paper towel and zip lock bag.
Speaking of cucumbers, this I think was day 2, those guys are monsters now.
I had the best luck with my peppers using similar method to FLborn. For tomatoes, squash, etc I just used jiffy pellets. That stuff all germinates so easy. I like using the container mostly because I can see what's going on too. I'm too impatient and end up rooting around in the soil to check lol.