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pests Boric acid vs pest?

I dont know for certain but I dont think the plants would like the boric acid lol. Maybe next yr you can gtow a test subject plant just for that specific reason, see if the plant reacts in a bad way to the boric acid. You would also need to find aphids to try it on.
Boric acid should not be used in the garden. If you get too much of it in the soil you will get Boron toxicity in your plants. As far as I know, it needs to be ingested by the bugs to kill them, so a spray is pointless. You use it to kill ants and roaches by mixing with sugar and leaving in a little pile. They eat the poison along with the sugar and die.
Yeah, boric acid doesn't discriminate between bugs and plants. In fact, it's equal opportunity for anything even remotely organic in nature, so I'd avoid using it in the garden at all costs.