bottles-bottling Bottles - West Coast Resources

We've used:

Both of them have been very helpful. Looking for other companies that will offer better pricing for caps, reducers and bottles ( 5oz - 10oz woozy) Our production is about to go up and trying to find a supplier that will discount on larger orders.

Direct from the manufacturer would even be better if possible.

Thanks for the help. I'm sure other would find a list of resources like this helpful. :P
You could try freund container. That's where I got mine. They get cheaper the higher the quantity you order so it's something to look into. Just a quick comparison, specialty starts at .79 and freund starts at .51 a bottle.
here's another option-

from what I understand, freund is east coast, specialty bottle is west coast, might effect shipping rates.

Past these types of distributors, you'll have to get in contact with the manufacturer for a direct shipment and they probably have a minimum shipment. That being said, maybe you can find another sauce manufacturer in the islands who would combine with you for an order or let you add some cases to their order.

And since you are on The Islands, maybe even contact one of the co-packers to see if they would let you add some cases to their order. When looking at things like shipping to HI, I would think most people in the biz would be open to doing combined orders, but I could be wrong.

Can't help with contact to a manufacturer, we're not that big yet.

Good Luck, and if you get a good lead and feel inclined, please post it. Others might benefit from the lead also.
You could try freund container.

Thank you both for the suggestions. Yes if its not on the West Coast shipping is to expensive. We normally use a consolidator so it helps keep the cost down but its still expensive. I'd like to get to the point of ordering our own full container (20').

If I find some other resources I will keep adding them to this thread so others can benefit from them.

Specialty bottle does match prices so that is a plus. I just got my first order from them and the bottles are great value/quality.
glad to hear your first order is safe and sound.

I know sauce manufacturers are all competitors, but sometimes, collaboration is the key. Hopefully, y'all can get together for a combined shipping order.

And keep that sauce work hap'n'n~~~