Bottom vs Top Feeding

I think my problem that I have with bottom watering, at least with the younger plants, is that a lot of times the shelves or ground depending on what I have them on, are not completely level, so one side of the tray gets soaked and the other doesn't get enough water, if I didn't have that problem, then it's great.. but next year I will have to switch things around a little so I don't have that problem.
I think my problem that I have with bottom watering, at least with the younger plants, is that a lot of times the shelves or ground depending on what I have them on, are not completely level, so one side of the tray gets soaked and the other doesn't get enough water, if I didn't have that problem, then it's great.. but next year I will have to switch things around a little so I don't have that problem.

I usually give 'em a good swish to alleviate this problem...and rotate the trays with some frequency. But I'm a freak when it comes to babying seedlings. :D
lol yeah, I tried that, but I just kept planting more and more trays, so I had like 80 1 gallon pots, and then like 60 solo cups and then 2 trays of seedlings to screw around with, and I know that a lot of guys (and gals) on here have a TON more than that, but for me that is a lot of plants to care for lol.. and then another 50 of my mom's tomato plants she started early and are in 1gallon pots.. those need to get into the ground soooon.
I think that both methods work fine. I've a small grow space and i like to top dress so top feeding for me is best.
Bottom feeding is easier when you have a huge number of plants in trays.

