for-sale Box of Pods for Sale - Lots of Varieties - $18 inc Shipping - CLOSED

I am selling a SFRB box of various pods for $18, which includes shipping and handling via USPS Priority Mail.  Lots of different stuff in this box.      Winner must pay via Paypal.  You can e-mail me for payment instructions if you want to buy. :)  Here's a photo of the goods.  The box WILL be full.  It always is. lol.
I will ship pods out tomorrow if someone wants them.  Thanks for looking. :)
Please use this photo as a reference to identifications of pods.  If pods are similar color/size, they will be labeled appropriately with the letter so you can tell them apart.  I want you to know what you're getting. :)  When it comes to extra pods I added, they are all labeled individually.


Darn it, I said I fill the box and I do.  Added more to top it off.  NOW, we have a full box. :)  I added these varieties to the box as well (not shown above):
Lightning Hab Yellow
Bengle Naga
Trinidad Scorpion Chocolate
Orange Thai Hybrid - Mine
More Pimenta de Neyde x Naga Suomi F1
joemomma said:
Awe dude dont make me feel guilty! ;)
I'm always willing to share if thats any constellation?
Yeah no sweat buddy. I shoulda jumped when i was feeling frogy. I got more than i know what to do with any way.