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Brain Pain

Well this is kind of a sad day. I think I can no longer eat fresh peppers. For the second time now (in a row) when I eat super hots, I get a massive headache. I NEVER get headaches.
Before I'm even thru chewing, it feels like someone hits me in the back of the head with a 2 X 6, and will last for a day and a half. I guess I will become a master sauce maker. Cuz I ain't giving up the heat!
It doesn't seem to happen with pickled, powdered, or cooked peppers (crosses fingers).
It could be the bitters from raw chlorophyll. I get that with fresh-hopped beers. Regardless, I am glad you still get to enjoy the spice.
Very weird, and sad to hear. I know SilentEcho gets pain in his back when he eats hot peppers. Maybe it is a related nervous reaction. Or also consider it may be a combo of other things (like if you are always drinking liquor when you down them hot peppers). I'd lay off the fresh peppers for a while, and maybe next season the problem will just be a distant memory. And if not, its an interesting topic for future research...

+1 on substituting hot powders, I think I'm hooked - you should be too! Somebody else on this forum (cant remember who sorry!) mentioned carrying around one of those little keychain pill vials full of superhot powder... GENIUS!

Anyway, I feel for ya Scovie, hope the headaches stop. Peace.
Well. I'm here to tell you, 8 Tylenol and rested all day, I still have this raging headache. This is just messed up. It will be better tomorrow.
I'm glad I have a Waring Commercial spice grinder. I'll take my vengeance out on those SumB's!
Yeah at SL's house last night. What DIDN'T we drink? What peppers DIDN'T we eat?

Thanks FlameC. I'm hoping it will just go away!

Seth, it hurts to laugh! LMAO!!! *ouch* LMAO *ouch* Where's the Vicodin?
To me...IMO...which is, well my opinion.......blood pressure. It will rise with a superhot and the endorphin will come but if you have any restriction in vessel in the brain the blood pressure rise could be causing the pain. Just my opinion. Hope all ends up being well. See a Doc just to be safe. Maybe he will trade superhots for services :) .
I had the same thing a few years back but it was when "bumping the uglies". Felt like someone hit me in the back of the head with a bat. Only lasted a couple months and may have been stress related. And tylenol sucks for headaches. Use Ibuprofen.
Justaguy may be onto something with the blood pressure thinking. I went through a period of time that headaches were a constant companion and I mean bad ones. Trip to the doc fixed me right up. Well not exactly but his advice did--I needed to stop the hard partying and get more than three hours of sleep a night. Blood pressure was through the roof. I slowed down and boom, headaches gone.

Is it possible you're having a reaction to something that may have been sprayed on the peppers? Maybe a fertilizer that was applied via the leaves or perhaps a pesticide/herbicide?

I'd do some detective work and find out why before giving up altogether. Might save your life.

Best of luck to you.
Get your ass to the doctor, Had the same problem headache s and some times back pain. blood pressure a Little high, doc found a growth on top of my right kidney, removed it , micro surgery no big C healed up great. can now eat what I like. May not be the same but good to check
Thanks for all your help and input. I still had the headache this morning, but it's definitely better now. I'm still doing some research on my own.
We only have two doctors here, and both would be great to set a broken arm, or stitch you up. (living in the country).
If I bring this problem to them, they wouldn't know anymore than me, but charge me for it.
I definitely have been partying this summer, so I'm thinking I'm just gonna chill for a while, and keep looking into it.
My BP is decent. 134/70.

I'm just glad that alien has stopped sucking on my brain...