Brain Strain vs Butch T

It's been about a year when I first had a ButchT (quarter piece), and I remember what I went thru. One very tearing eye, mouth, tongue, throat on fire. Drank a few sips of milk also. Could not taste right for a couple of days. Well, I just tried a Brain Strain from Cappy, this sucker is hot, but to me, nothing like that ButchT I had last year. I got a few hiccups, one eye almost teared up, tongue on fire :mouthonfire: . The BS definitely tastes way better, very fruity and lasts along time. About 5-6 minutes have gone by and the heat is basically gone, but the taste is still there. So, for me the ButchT smokes the BS, I'm alittle disappointed, I thought it was going to be alot hotter. Thanks Cappy for letting me try some.

A review of the ButchT Trinidad Scorpion from last year.

That's kinda where i'm at with it Wasatch (John). that's where i found it last year. i hope it's different this year. i've been eating butches from 3 different sources (one being neil) not diresctly but still neils seeds. all three sources have identical plants , for a month now. insane hot! my brain is fried! my BS are just cutting loose now. big healthy plants. will do vids for both when both are going strong. we'll see.either way i love both pods and wish to continue growing both in the future.
I always find the Butch T's placenta to be almost unbearable, even in small amounts. Its got to be a combination of the heat and the nasty flavor which also seems to burn forever :mouthonfire:

Gave a piece to a buddy at work, this quarter piece had more seeds and placenta then the piece I had last night. He said it was really hot :hell: did remind him of the ButchT from last year and hotter than the Chocolate Trinidad Scorpion I gave a few weeks ago. So I say I will have to try a piece with more seeds and placenta. Well, I just did another quarter piece and it was alot hotter than the one last night. :hell: :hell: Still has the great taste, but did not last as long as yesterday before the heat kicked in. My tongue was on freakn' FIRE! :dance: :dance: Both eyes teared up, but the right one started dripping. No hiccups though. Took quite a few sips of milk to relieve the PAIN. Really not sure if it is as hot as a ButchT, but it's up there for sure now. I'm glad I tried it again to give it a fair shake.

I don't know if its just me, but I find the Scorpion hotter it has a
very quick burn that goes on and on increasing in heat till your pain receptors
start shutting down, the 7 pots (which are related) tasted better and had a burn
like a habanero and is very, very intense but doesn't affect me like the scorpion.
I have had a version of the Brain Strain too, I guess we need to have it tested too,
since we all are going on personal responses.
took one Brain Strain to a bar once for a friend doing Karaoke as a request. He had someone taste it and they freaked almost instantly. Another guy just licked the knife that was used to cut the pepper and went home crying (His GF later spilled the beans)

This year the Brain Strain I have is 2 yrs old it will have far more than 6 pods like it did last year and I can't wait to see the cries of men again >:)

should have video
I'm growing the Infinity 7 Pot this year and believe it's basically the 7 Pot Brain Strain. I see little difference honestly. The pods look brutally hot on it. They are both ridiculous heat wise. Choose your death. lol.

I'm loving the looks of the Trinidad Scorpion Morouga Yellow - AISPES. It looks as mean as these others and then some. Hopefully it ripens yellow as expected.

BUT, what I want to see most is a Trinidad Scorpion Morouga Chocolate with the same attributes as Brain Strain. My dream pod. Completely wrinkled. :)

I reviewed a pod straight from Butch and it was much hotter than any other pod I've eaten including red and yellow brainstrains. Judy (pepperlover) is sending me some pods of Moruga Scorpion and Brainstrain and I'm going to do a review on them. I believe she got her seeds for the Brainstrain from Cappy (don't quote me on it though), so they should be true.
Are bhuts even close to these things??

Depends on what you call close. Bhuts average a little over 1 million scovilles where Butch Ts average near 1.5 million scovilles. Brainstrains haven't been officially tested but they are in the ballpark of Butch Ts. The Moruga Scorpion averages around where the Butch T is as well, but on the high end it comes to a little over 2 million. So in the realm of scovilles Bhuts are quite a bit lower. But if you think about it in terms of number of Bhuts required to equal the heat of Butch Ts, etc. Then we're talking 1 and 1/2 Bhuts. So that seems closer.
I would also throw our there the fact that I have had Bhuts that have blown away Morougas and Brains, and vice versa.

Sometimes you get a hotter plant, or they hit you harder. But on the whole, I would say that you are generally going to get more hear from the Brains, Morougas, and TS pods. I actually think that some 7 pot varieties blow the Bhuts out of the water. I had a 7 Jonah that made me see Jesus last week.
I would also throw our there the fact that I have had Bhuts that have blown away Morougas and Brains, and vice versa.

Sometimes you get a hotter plant, or they hit you harder. But on the whole, I would say that you are generally going to get more hear from the Brains, Morougas, and TS pods. I actually think that some 7 pot varieties blow the Bhuts out of the water. I had a 7 Jonah that made me see Jesus last week.

+1 Yes you will get the odd pod from any super that will be significantly hotter than the average. And yes, Jonahs are fricken awesome! They are my favorite as they, overall, pack the best heat:flavor ratio.