Brain strain vs Moruga

Someone explain this to me, are they the same?  The Moruga blend and the brain strain look a lot alike.  Clear this up please.
Good question. I believe there are different varients of the 7 Pot Brainsrain. I believe the varient that you are referring to looks more like a Moruga, in which case, I've had a hard time telling the difference between it and the Trinidad Scorpion Moruga Blend or TSMB for short. I believe the "more true" version of the 7 Pot Brainstrain has quite a few wrinkles to it.Let me see if I can dig up a few pictures.
This would be a prime example of a 7 Pot Brainstrain
Hope this answers your question. Apparently Cappy os the creator of the pepper and has all of the technical details about it.
The example photograph is fortune because I wondered the same thing and turned to seed from Mr. Duffy to figure it out.  After the CPI test said Moruga Scorpion was the hottest in the world, I wanted that same strain.  So wanting to answer the are they the same and wanting the strain that went to CPI, I purchased both from Mr. Duffy despite already growing both.  Grew them side by side, same soil, same conditions.

Brain Strain - Slightly smaller and wrinkled more than pimpled and more consistent size.  Sometimes elongated like the one in the photo in the back left.

Moruga Scorpion - Slightly larger and pimpled in addition to wrinkled, but not as pronounced, some large, some small.  Never elongated but sometimes much larger than the rest.

Most noticable difference is the bottom.  Brain strain looked like a brain stem at the bottom.  The moruga looks more like the top of those European crowns when they are lined with velvet, three or four sort of lobes at times.

My guess is that some strains of each look more alike than others.
I got my Morugas from Duffy and my brain strains from cappy. To me and about 20 other people at our hot pepper nights, they are in no way the same. They can produce pods very similar in shape, but the taste and heat is obviously different. The brains taste way better and they are also, what tasted like 20%-25% hotter than the moruga. The scorpion had a bit of a bitter taste to me.
The red brain strain from Wicked Mike's SFRB this year (his seeds came from Cappy) was the most violent face raping pepper I've ever eaten. Nothing is close. Up until the point of being violated, it was delicious. I don't really care for the red Morugas I grew this year.
cycadjungle said:
I got my Morugas from Duffy and my brain strains from cappy. To me and about 20 other people at our hot pepper nights, they are in no way the same. They can produce pods very similar in shape, but the taste and heat is obviously different. The brains taste way better and they are also, what tasted like 20%-25% hotter than the moruga. The scorpion had a bit of a bitter taste to me.
I have read/heard similar comparisons in reviews and posts on the internet.  I don't have any empirical knowledge to add, but it is this view that i've seen again and again that has lead me to seek out good BrainStrain seeds in favor of Morugas....