Brainstrain pods!

StuartH said:
I have found the opposite tbh!..Loads of pods and ripening quicker than anything else I have..moruga scorpion isnt far behind but the brain strain is going great guns!! I have 2 yellow plants that are taking a fair bit longer though.
I disagree! Actually, have no real opinion as such. I just replied to say I love your avatar. Bulldogs always win.
Excuse the poor quality vid but quick look at some of the plants.The brainstrain is the first plant at beginning of the video and next to that is a red moruga scorpion plant.
StuartH said:
Excuse the poor quality vid but quick look at some of the plants.The brainstrain is the first plant at beginning of the video and next to that is a red moruga scorpion plant.
I laughed when I saw the bell pepper plant outside the greenhouse! It's the same here, if its not a chilli plant, it doesn't get in!
Oh .. and nice plants! Is thatt your dog in the picture above?
Nice video, good enough quality to see your pods. I really need to step up my game as all my plants are only in 3 gal. containers and everybody seems to be doing at least 5 gal. if not bigger.
Many thanks..This is my first year growing but have thoroughly enjoyed it from start to finish.Cant wait for next year!
Just picked off remaining superhots and have a few left that need to ripen. Red brainstrains,7 pot white,scorpion butch t,moruga scorpions,fatalli and yellow brainstrains are the ones on the plate.Have tried one of each and they are tastey but seriously hot!!