chinense Brainstrain Red, 7-Pot Primo, Reaper...Hottest?

PepperLover said:
I don't think any objective views can contradict ur real lived experience
To me u like bill Moore have been deep into the core of the volcano
I don't think many have more experience to reflect on eating peppers
Thank you Judy!  To be put in the same sentence as Bill is a real honor.  Bill is a top notch reviewer and an awesome person!  So thank you again!
But I do also have to agree with the objective point of view.  Matt is spot on in his reply.  At any given time, given the right growing conditions, any one of the class of superhots can top the others.  We have to look at consistency.  Is a particular type of pepper going to be consistently hotter than the rest.  That's where trying multiple of the same variety from different sources helps.  But even with that, my individual body chemistry is going to make me feel a pepper differently than everyone else.  The Brainstrain is the perfect example.  The VAST majority of people put the Brainstrain as an upper echelon type burn.  But for me, despite having tried it from multiple different sources, I would put it as middle of the road for superhots.  I know I'm in the minority, but it is still a great example of the variance in the effects that are produced on individuals from different capsacinoid combinations.
Judy the Lava is one of urs also ain't it?

Yes king
It is still under selecting and improving
Here's an honest question...

Why is it important to rank them anyway? Are you planning to be another stunt eater? Enjoy all of them. They all have good points.

I've never met a hot pepper I didn't like, just maybe the taste of some is better than others.

The reason why some sellers go after naming and testing is to gain a title for marketing reasons

Thank you Judy! To be put in the same sentence as Bill is a real honor. Bill is a top notch reviewer and an awesome person! So thank you again!

But I do also have to agree with the objective point of view. Matt is spot on in his reply. At any given time, given the right growing conditions, any one of the class of superhots can top the others. We have to look at consistency. Is a particular type of pepper going to be consistently hotter than the rest. That's where trying multiple of the same variety from different sources helps. But even with that, my individual body chemistry is going to make me feel a pepper differently than everyone else. The Brainstrain is the perfect example. The VAST majority of people put the Brainstrain as an upper echelon type burn. But for me, despite having tried it from multiple different sources, I would put it as middle of the road for superhots. I know I'm in the minority, but it is still a great example of the variance in the effects that are produced on individuals from different capsacinoid combinations.

I have to agree Brian
I know u seen the last video bill posted on his channel about the Carmel lava
His feedback was consistent with urs about how it has good sweet taste and nice level of heat
But when u watch how it affected him, u can hear him saying it is different as it was burning under the tongue unlike other kinds

So yes what Matt said it true, each single person matched with another single pods will generate totally different results if you change either one
I agree with Matt about growth conditions and then Brian about a person`s individual chemistry.
I know that Brian and I react quite differently to different peppers. The Brain strain example is a perfect one. I find them to be ridiculously hot, whoever grows them (I`ve had them from 5 or 6 growers and grown them myself). I also find that while the Brown Moruga is insanely hot, it isn`t very painful. The worst pods for me are the ones that are hot AND painful. I feel I can separate heat from pain. Sure, heat brings a little pain with it, but there is another sensation of pain with some pods. Like someone has stuck a knife in your leg, then moved the pain to your mouth. 