event Brews, Blues and BBQ in Charlotte NC

Hey critters! In the greater Charlotte area on the weekend of Sept. 12 &13th? Well stop on by the "Backyard Grillers" area of Blues, Brews and BBQ and say "Hey" to the old Chili Man and his faithful cooking sidekick Fat Matt. We are gonna cook some shoulder and also enter the "anything but (pork)" catagory. We are under the name "Fat Daddie's Q" and the combined talents and efforts should result in some fine pulled oinker as well as some of Vic's award winning sauces (I will be carrying the Slathering sauce, the Mertlot-B-Q sauce and the ever spicy God's Gift to BBQ! sauce (though I may rename it Creol-B-Q!)

Hope to see some you lunatics there!
