The Hot Pepper said:
Dude the flat is all you need. If you buy the whole brisket you need to separate the flat from the point anyway, and the point is for chopping into burnt ends. Maybe other people do it differently but you are set!
I brought it home, regardless =)
That's going to be my all day event tomorrow, while I work ... it's 2.85 lbs, so, not very big, I think ...
I'm going to do it alone, so it's as minimally overwhelming as possible, and also, I'm going to take it out for like 90 mins before hand to warm up on the counter ... that seems to be a good move, per Youtube ...
Mustard, S&P ... keep it simple? ... Do I want to use that stuff tonight and have it coated overnight or in the morning, before it warms or after? ...
As for the technique, it's going to depend on time I have available to me to tinker ...
If I have enough time, I'll tap the kettle for the adapter for the Party Q and again for some probes, and then do it using the Smokenator and the Party Q ...
If I have less time, I'm going to use the SMOkettle or whatever (I haven't looked to see what the length of time is like for a 2.85 lb brisket to see what config of coals would be best) ... and I'll just try running the probe out the vent hole, or if there's no other way, under the lid ...
It'll just depends on how late i'm up tonight, when I wake up, and how fast I work on my real work tomorrow etc etc ...
Tonight, I'm going to just make a regular fire and do some brats, ital sausage, and dogs to put into the fridge, and then a pair of bone in porkchops and a dozen chx legs on the coals end of life or whatever ...
That's the plan, right now anyways ...
Any input on SMOkettle vs Smokenator for a 2.85lb brisket is appreciated, as is any seasoning info, because I'm going to be busy grilling for little while =) ... woo hoo ...
The Hot Pepper said:
Biggest mistake with pork butt in undercooked! Not that the meat is undercooked, but that it is plateauing, and holding steady at a certain temp... the pitmaster gives up because a plateau can last 4 hours, but if you don't wait it out, and then let the butt rise to 195ish, you have tough pork that does not pull. Lots of people spend 8 hours cooking it, see the temp stop at 180 or so, and it does not rise for 2 hours, and they say WTF?! And take it off and try to pull it. Nope. Sorry, the fats didn't break down, and you didn't let the meat rise in temp after the plateau to distribute the juices.
Patience is a virtue.
Yes, I've undercooked the bone-in Boston in the pressure-cooker ... then it's a real PITA to deal w/, too #sorehandsfromforking ...
The Hot Pepper said:
Boston can be purchased bone in or out. Always best to buy bone in, because a boneless will cook unevenly due the the cavity from the bone being cut out.
And temperatures are how I go. No "by feel" or any stuff. The temps don't lie. The meat pulls at a certain temp. And you have to closely watch the plateau, because after it, the temp will shoot up fast, and if it goes too high, then you are into the dry territory.
Everyone does it different!
If the option of bone-in is ever there, I take it ... usually even for chicken.