food Brisling Sardine

Yup, it has allot of health attributes also but its the unique taste, you love it or hate it. Vegemite not the same taste, don't like it myself.
Twiglets was also a fav food long ago and to make it your self you make bread sticks then wipe Marmite on it and bake again, had a spice taste, but nowadays its not the same like many products.
Not often this happens, but I cannot even imagine what that tastes like. I have had all but the marmite, but the combination of it all. I am at a loss. Would love a bite.
I’m sorry but I did a search for marmite and had to resurrect this thread. It was either this or the baked beans one, I want to eat this sandwich! Oddly, the salsa seems like the wierd ingredient.
Healthiest food.
I eat sardines on toasted bread.
On tacos.
On Sailor Boy Pilot Bread.
Plain out of the tin.
With hot sauce.
I don't post much about it.
Many folks think sardines are just bait.
Or cat food.
But sardines feed the planet.
Anchovies too!
Marmite is okay.
But too expensive for what it is.
Kippers are great, unfortunately the ones we get here are so salty that my heart races.
Salsa is great for cutting into the oil.
Here is the missing image from first post.
I love a good sardine bone in skin on packed in olive oil. Open the tin drain out some oil then squeeze on some lemon juice and lunch is served. 
Also smoked oysters with the same prep.
luvmesump3pp3rz said:
i always wanted to like sardines for the healthiness aspect but everytime i smell them i 
giphy carey.gif
Jim Carrey is a jackass.
And lame AF!
Sardines feed the planet.
Makes me want a sardine taco.
Ono grinds.
You better believe.