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Broken pepper branch with pods question

Half of one of my red bhuts broke off yesterday after a hard rain. The remaining half looks fine. The other has 4 nice size pods, and a few smaller ones. I rinsed the broken branch off and hung upside down under my porch hoping the green pods might ripen. Has anyone had experience with this, or think it might work?
Here are some pics. This one is a little blurry, sorry.

One of the pods
Try sticking it in a thing of water , kind a like when you bring home flowers for the wife.. throw some nutes in the water and maybe they can last long enough to get this to ripen, who knows...worth a shot..
If all else fails, chop em up green and use them in a salsa.  I did that with some Green scorpions last winter when one of my plants got too large for my grow tent.  Worked out great.
I have one right now in water and has been there for 2 weeks. At first it wilted now it has new growth and the pods are twice as big. :) There is a chance those pods will ripen, I hang plants at the end of every season.
Is it off 100% ?

I've had branches snap 3/4 off and what I've done is tie them with string so as the split parts are held together. The plants seem to heels themselves fine.

I had a bell pepper last year that broke right at the bottom of the main stem (hyper dogs) and it continued to grow with the aid of string.

If it's completely off just leave the pods on the stems and they will ripen off, but they won't be as hot. Or just enjoy them green as others have suggested ;)
JoynersHotPeppers said:
I have one right now in water and has been there for 2 weeks. At first it wilted now it has new growth and the pods are twice as big. :) There is a chance those pods will ripen, I hang plants at the end of every season.
this! But if all else fails you can still use those green pods for various things. I bet the will pack some heat...
Cut away the dried up end of the branch with a diagonal slice, then stick it in water as JHP suggested, then if/when the branch looks completely dead and dried out leaves, then harvest the pods by cutting the stems (leaving some stem on each), then put them in a closed paper sack 1 layer (only) deep along with some apples, apricots, avocados, bananas (ripe), blueberries, cantaloupe, cherimoyas, cranberries, figs, green onions, guavas, grapes, honeydew, kiwifruit, mangoes, mangosteen, nectarines, papayas, passion fruit, peaches, pears, persimmons, plums, potatoes, prunes, quince, and tomatoes.  The fruit must be added in this order. :lol:  Kidding aside that's a list of reasonable ethylene producers, any of which will speed up the ripening process.
chsy83 said:
If all else fails, chop em up green and use them in a salsa.  I did that with some Green scorpions last winter when one of my plants got too large for my grow tent.  Worked out great.
I've done that with green habs this year and it was good.
Thanks everyone for the suggestions! I did attempt salsa with one of the pods. My salsa recipe is not that great, probably needed more tomato, less onion and not chopped so fine. It wasn't too bad though.



Speaking of salsa and hot sauce, slightly off this topic, but my wife brought home this last night! It'll be a CaJohns-a-thon.
Reaper Sling Blade hot sauce
Reaper puree
Reaper salsa
Black Mamba hot sauce
Super Z hot sauce
Trinidad Moruga Scorpion salsa
The salsa looks good!
Just now seeing this, and wanted to chime in regarding the broken branch. I had damage a couple years ago to 3 plants. Some of the stems only came partially off, one came fully off. I attached them back in place using medical tape wound tightly around the break points, both above and below it to a few inches out in each direction, and also devised a sling with rods and string to support the branches while they healed. The branches took, and not only did the pods on them ripen, but they produced new pods and new growth, as well. Just make sure you try to line up the parts as closely as possible to the way they were before the breakage.
geeme said:
The salsa looks good!
Just now seeing this, and wanted to chime in regarding the broken branch. I had damage a couple years ago to 3 plants. Some of the stems only came partially off, one came fully off. I attached them back in place using medical tape wound tightly around the break points, both above and below it to a few inches out in each direction, and also devised a sling with rods and string to support the branches while they healed. The branches took, and not only did the pods on them ripen, but they produced new pods and new growth, as well. Just make sure you try to line up the parts as closely as possible to the way they were before the breakage.
Yep you essentially grafted them back on, not exactly but sorta....either way that's awesome though ...
sp33d said:
Yep you essentially grafted them back on, not exactly but sorta....either way that's awesome though ...
Exactly - same basic concept. I did keep the sling on throughout the entire season, as I read that any grafting point can be weaker than the rest of the plant. It was my first attempt at this, and I was very pleased with the results. "Awesome" is a good word!