That cmpman1974 may know a bit about the Trinidad Scorpion Moruga Blend.
 I am quite familiar with the sources / background on all these superhots as I knew every person who supplied them over the years. TS Moruga Blend came from an old friend in Tobago (yes not Trinidad but obviously closely related).  My friend had connections with the University of West Indies. These came from their test fields. 7 Pot Brain Strain was a 'renamed' or some may say 'selected' 7 Pot Red with bumpy attributes coming from a person named Sara in Trinidad in 2008. Sara sent to some of us as 7 Pot Red and the name Brainstrain was later used to describe a sub-strain. However, many of those 7 Pot Red seeds from the original packet put out that look for me I recall so I'm not sure it was that unique in respect to that variety. The biggest difference between a 7 Pot Brainstrain and TSMB I would say is the consistency of the pod shape. TSMB is VERY consistent and an obvious stabilized landrace.  Every TS Moruga Blend Red was bumpy and consistent in shape. I still have the original seed packet. You wouldn't believe how crappy the seeds looked. lol. You'd be shocked I managed to germinate them honestly. Luckily I did. I was in love with the pepper when I saw it as I never seen any like that prior. Â