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chinense Brown/Chocolate Bhutlah

I forgot I had all these links saved in a folder in my favorites, haha. Must have been a long boring night in the off season of chilli research. Here is another good read about how we got from the Red Savina to the Reaper and everything in between. Most people probably have never heard the controversy surrounding the Naga's and Bhut's, but they too have there own drama, lol.
hogleg said:
I think it was, and it came in just below the moruga which was the record holder at the time. I think with more testing and from certain badass growers it could have blown both the moruga and the reaper out of the water.
This is correct. Its reccord is not easy to find, since the book of reccords does a poor job of publicising anything that's never held first, but the Brain Strain is officially the 3rd hottest chilli in the world.
Even though I'm 90+% certain that the Primo is hotter.
JUR-Z-Devil said:
that is the exact reason as i begin to unveil my pepper line they will have no name. all pics will be heavily watermarked and they will be refered to as devilpods.com peppers. #1 #2 etc. their name will make it clear where to find it. too many people lose out on their time and work showing off and naming there variety before its available so by the time they do release all the cons have riding the wheels off already. bhutlah was being sold by name 2 years before sm ever released it. but he released the name.
Nothing I grow will ever hold the reccord. I'm simply not cut out for proving a five year isolated grow and meeting the requirements.
I'll be settling for backing chilli eating competitions with my own nameless strain of death.
Also, from the taste alone, I struggle to believe that the Moruga Scorpion and the Brainstrain are related.
The Moruga is fruity but in an acidic, almost orangey manner, sometimes floral aswell. The Brainstrain is more of a berry-like fruitiness.
oh i dont care about guinness book nonsense as i dont even consider it a legit organization. ive seen so many records broken but denied by them cause no one paid them to observe. any place you gotta pay to verify your record is about getting paid not about records. even with proof, video, paperwork witnesses they will say didn't happen cause they weren't paid to witness. 
im talking about anything unique to my pepper line whether its shape color or heat. first 2 can be shown in watermarked ? pic (heavily) to make sure no one takes that pic and tries posting it as their own to sell fake seeds. iwont name them to prevent the same thing. as for record heat ill pay for an independent labs scoville tests ans record as i pluck them from the plant and ship em out..
i dont think any real pepper person puts any merit in the nonsense guinness book bullshit as most of us have eaten hotter and arent that impressed by the reaper. personally i just see it as an off pheno primo and call bs on the whole creation nonsense. 
only non pepper people doing these youtube challenges to look kool or people that sell seeds like myself and other label it the worlds hottest to advertise it. 
guarantee this though... first lab report i get beating 2.2 i will advertise as the worlds hottest. fuck guinness book nonsense. that book is like these stupid kid model books dumb parents in america pay for there kids pics then buy the books too show off the picture. your kids not a model you just paid them to put it in the book.
U)<now said:
Steve McLauren aka: standbyandfire, has his for sale finally on puckerbutt. His is one of the originals with supposedly a 3rd mystery cross mixed in.

I think there is also a strain from someone in the UK that's been around for a while as well.

Steven took chad's cross of the douglah x chocolate ghost and crossed it into a trinidad scorpion.  
jedisushi06 said:
Steven took chad's cross of the douglah x chocolate ghost and crossed it into a trinidad scorpion.  
hhhmmmm that i was unaware of... from what i gathered chad gave steven a red bhutlah he createdor seeds from it and one of the plants grew a chocolate... no extra cross...
thisis one of the worst parts of pepper growing... when i release my peppers im just gonna say "I AINT TELLING YOU SHIT.. THIS IS MY PEPPER... ONLY I HAVE IT... ONLY I KNOW HOW IT CAME TO BE... AND THATS HOW ITS GONNA STAY..."
JUR-Z-Devil said:
hhhmmmm that i was unaware of... from what i gathered chad gave steven a red bhutlah he createdor seeds from it and one of the plants grew a chocolate... no extra cross...
thisis one of the worst parts of pepper growing... when i release my peppers im just gonna say "I AINT TELLING YOU SHIT.. THIS IS MY PEPPER... ONLY I HAVE IT... ONLY I KNOW HOW IT CAME TO BE... AND THATS HOW ITS GONNA STAY..."
I am guessing by that statement, you haven't found my fly size cameras yet.
The beauty of being a THP member Is that the people that know the peppers best we've discussed are also members here. If you wanna know about the bhutlah-sm and its origins you could PM Steve and ask him. If you want some insight of the differences between the moruga and brainstrain You could PM Chris Phillips and ask him, since PRF isn't available Chris would likely know best IMO.
hogleg said:
The beauty of being a THP member Is that the people that know the peppers best we've discussed are also members here. If you wanna know about the bhutlah-sm and its origins you could PM Steve and ask him. If you want some insight of the differences between the moruga and brainstrain You could PM Chris Phillips and ask him, since PRF isn't available Chris would likely know best IMO.
definitely good to know for older peppers... but with peppers kinda starting to take the spot light recently and growing in popularity, i think people would do best if they simply didnt tell about their processes at all and just let the final outcome speak for itself...
That cmpman1974 may know a bit about the Trinidad Scorpion Moruga Blend. :)  I am quite familiar with the sources / background on all these superhots as I knew every person who supplied them over the years.  TS Moruga Blend came from an old friend in Tobago (yes not Trinidad but obviously closely related).   My friend had connections with the University of West Indies.  These came from their test fields.  7 Pot Brain Strain was a 'renamed' or some may say 'selected' 7 Pot Red with bumpy attributes coming from a person named Sara in Trinidad in 2008. Sara sent to some of us as 7 Pot Red and the name Brainstrain was later used to describe a sub-strain.  However, many of those 7 Pot Red seeds from the original packet put out that look for me I recall so I'm not sure it was that unique in respect to that variety.  The biggest difference between a 7 Pot Brainstrain and TSMB I would say is the consistency of the pod shape.  TSMB is VERY consistent and an obvious stabilized landrace.   Every TS Moruga Blend Red was bumpy and consistent in shape.  I still have the original seed packet.  You wouldn't believe how crappy the seeds looked. lol.  You'd be shocked I managed to germinate them honestly.  Luckily I did.  I was in love with the pepper when I saw it as I never seen any like that prior.  
cmpman1974 said:
That cmpman1974 may know a bit about the Trinidad Scorpion Moruga Blend. :)  I am quite familiar with the sources / background on all these superhots as I knew every person who supplied them over the years.  TS Moruga Blend came from an old friend in Tobago (yes not Trinidad but obviously closely related).   My friend had connections with the University of West Indies.  These came from their test fields.  7 Pot Brain Strain was a 'renamed' or some may say 'selected' 7 Pot Red with bumpy attributes coming from a person named Sara in Trinidad in 2008. Sara sent to some of us as 7 Pot Red and the name Brainstrain was later used to describe a sub-strain.  However, many of those 7 Pot Red seeds from the original packet put out that look for me I recall so I'm not sure it was that unique in respect to that variety.  The biggest difference between a 7 Pot Brainstrain and TSMB I would say is the consistency of the pod shape.  TSMB is VERY consistent and an obvious stabilized landrace.   Every TS Moruga Blend Red was bumpy and consistent in shape.  I still have the original seed packet.  You wouldn't believe how crappy the seeds looked. lol.  You'd be shocked I managed to germinate them honestly.  Luckily I did.  I was in love with the pepper when I saw it as I never seen any like that prior.  
Hope things are going well for you Chris. Always enjoy seeing your new projects.

Anything varieties of yours you'd recommend with really good flavor that you can enjoy with regular meals and the like, as in hot, but not crazy hot?
JUR-Z-Devil said:
hhhmmmm that i was unaware of... from what i gathered chad gave steven a red bhutlah he createdor seeds from it and one of the plants grew a chocolate... no extra cross...
thisis one of the worst parts of pepper growing... when i release my peppers im just gonna say "I AINT TELLING YOU SHIT.. THIS IS MY PEPPER... ONLY I HAVE IT... ONLY I KNOW HOW IT CAME TO BE... AND THATS HOW ITS GONNA STAY..."
there is a red version of the bhutlah too and chad has his versions of the orginal cross.  I've tasted them all thanks to chad and jack.  
jack sent me one of these.  Hottest pod iv'e ever tried.  It has my mourga x chocolate brakkapore cross in it.  Very bitter tasting, but the heat level is off the charts.
Hey, cmpman1974, how long ago was this, when y'all were receiving new peppers from Trinidad and Tobago?

It seems like you would have some interesting stories, and history from the early days of this hot pepper craze.
Jubnat said:
Hey, cmpman1974, how long ago was this, when y'all were receiving new peppers from Trinidad and Tobago?

It seems like you would have some interesting stories, and history from the early days of this hot pepper craze.
Yes! somebody has to write a book on superhot pepper history. With plenty of pictures of scorching peppers and tropical islands!
cmpman1974 said:
That cmpman1974 may know a bit about the Trinidad Scorpion Moruga Blend. :)  I am quite familiar with the sources / background on all these superhots as I knew every person who supplied them over the years.  TS Moruga Blend came from an old friend in Tobago (yes not Trinidad but obviously closely related).   My friend had connections with the University of West Indies.  These came from their test fields.  7 Pot Brain Strain was a 'renamed' or some may say 'selected' 7 Pot Red with bumpy attributes coming from a person named Sara in Trinidad in 2008. Sara sent to some of us as 7 Pot Red and the name Brainstrain was later used to describe a sub-strain.  However, many of those 7 Pot Red seeds from the original packet put out that look for me I recall so I'm not sure it was that unique in respect to that variety.  The biggest difference between a 7 Pot Brainstrain and TSMB I would say is the consistency of the pod shape.  TSMB is VERY consistent and an obvious stabilized landrace.   Every TS Moruga Blend Red was bumpy and consistent in shape.  I still have the original seed packet.  You wouldn't believe how crappy the seeds looked. lol.  You'd be shocked I managed to germinate them honestly.  Luckily I did.  I was in love with the pepper when I saw it as I never seen any like that prior.  
Super interesting! So why is it called TSMB if it isn't from trinidad and not blended with anything :D 