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Brown Discolouration on Leaves - Help

Hi All,

Last year I had fabulous success growing a chocolate habanero in a pot. I have harvested some seeds from various chillis (bought from supermarkets, donated by friends etc) and the plants have taken off well, they seem to enjoy the Australian Gold Coast weather, however I have started seeing a grey\brown discolouration on the leaves, the effected leaves are also turning yellow.

It looks a little like rust (but I read that chilli plants rarely become infected by rust), the appearance is dull and almost dusty (though it doesn't rub off). The lower leaves seem to be the most effected, but it does seem to be working up the plant slowly. It is not sun scorching (because it is on the lower leaves) - I have seen this before.

These plants have been potted up twice since they have grown, and about 4 weeks ago I fed them with Yates Thrive. The plant that seems to be most effected is the one in the centre - the only one to have fruited so far. As you can see they look reasonably green, bushy and happy at the moment.

Does anyone have any ideas?

(Sorry, had to post links, couldn't get insert image to work for some reason)

It could be a fungus. Spraying the plant with a fungacide might help.

You should separate the plant in any case so that whatever it is doesn't spread.