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health Brown spots, etc. on cayennes

Once upon a time, my 3 little cayenne plants were happily producing peppers. Here's a "before" picture taken July 28:


One day, I discovered that almost all the leaves on my strongest plant (the front one in the above pic) had disappeared. Investigation revealed a huge green caterpillar with white stripes hanging out on the stalk. It seems that he had annihilated about 90% of the plant's leaves. I hope he enjoyed his last meal.

Anyway around the same time (about a week ago) I started to notice brown/yellow spots on many of the leaves of all 3 plants. The plants that still had leaves were dropping many of them.


The one in the back is the caterpillar victim. It's starting to come back pretty quickly.



After reading some posts on this forum, I came to the conclusion that my plants have some sort of bacterial or fungal infection. We've had heavy rains just about every day here since the beginning of July, and I figure the excessive amount of moisture could be causing or exacerbating the problem. Today I moved the cayennes indoors to isolate them from my other plants and to try to dry them out a little.

I read something about spraying infected plants with an H2O2 solution to kill the bacteria, if that is the problem.. Any thoughts?

Your pepper plant reminds me of the 4 Habanero plants that I have this year. They got bacterial leaf spot and have not given me a single pod ready to pick. All four of my plants have brown spots on the stems and leaves and look sorta sick too. I decided to not try and treat them, enjoy the rest of the healthy pepper plants that I have and try again next year.

Your posted resource is a good one too. Hope you can salvage something from your plants.
Thanks NC, so do I! Yesterday my GF and I picked up a bottle of Daconil. I sprayed my 3 cayenne plants, 2 Anaheims, and 6 Scotch Bonnets with it, as well as her banana peppers and purple bells.The banana peppers were the first plants to show the infection symptoms and eventually lost all their leaves. I think that's where my cayenne plants picked it up. The purple bells are starting to show a few brown spots, so hopefully the Daconil will nip it in the bud (pun intended). The Anaheims and Scotch Bonnets still look healthy, but I treated them anyway as a preventive measure. The cayenne plants, aside from being bald, still look pretty healthy and are quickly growing new leaves. I'll check back in a few days and let you know how the Daconil works, in case you decide to try to treat your habanero plants. Here's a link to the product at Home Depot: http://www.homedepot...51#.UDPir92PWfs.
Welp....the Daconil seemed to take care of the fungus, sort of. Unfortunately one of my cayenne plants took a turn for the worse and kicked the bucket. The other two looked to be doing well at first but now are struggling to slowly grow some leaves back. Both of our banana peppers died, but the bells seem ok. My Anaheim plants started to get infected even after being treated (they may have already been infected), but the disease did not spread on them as badly and they seem to be recovering. Same with a couple of my Scotch bonnets. Daconil seems to work, as long as you use it before the disease is too far along.