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Browning Stem need help to figure out this problem!!!

I am growing in aeroponics all in the same container And the smallest on which just seemed to be pretty small but the leaves are pretty big has this browning of the stem :shock: :oops: :oops: all of a sudden but previous it did show some other issue which I was let known may be Ca deficiency ... I really need help because I don't want to just pull it out of there over reacting but I think it is time!! :evil: :evil:






Probably overspray from your misters getting onto the pepper stems and not having a chance to dry before it gets hit again, once the timer fires another round of spray.

Looks like a fungal rot.

Can you seal off the spray from hitting your pepper's stems?

Probably overspray from your misters getting onto the pepper stems and not having a chance to dry before it gets hit again, once the timer fires another round of spray.

Looks like a fungal rot.

Can you seal off the spray from hitting your pepper's stems?

Well actually it doesn't hit that part of the stem as far as I know but it may have slipped in past that neoprene and got wet and I pulled it back out I am not sure !! But should it be separated or disposed of??
Doesnt look good. Why did you color out the photos??
That was because maybe on here I was trying to ask about the leaves making that weird twist they do didn't want them to confuse which leaves I was asking about!? LoL .. but that probably confused people more!!
Yeah it does look bad to me too ....
Well I did end up taking it out and decided I will make clones that I will put in vermiculite for the moment then put the other half out side that has the problem!!
Well actually I think I may have over reacted!! LoL because can't peppers turn into like small trees so the stem might have just been turning brown and it might look bad because I sprayed them with a Epson salt foilar spray and that might have put the white on there which makes it look worst ?? Not I am not sure!!? just brain storming before I go waste one pepper plant over assuming!! Because it is starting to flower!!
Well the thing I think that is strange is none of the other show signs and they are all on the same reservoir that is what made me second guess!!!! Just let me know!?
Looks like a fungal rot.


stem browing in a young plant is not normal and a tale tale sign of root rot (fungal rot)...

IMO what you are seeing is only part of the stem is dead/dying...the attacking mechanism of fungal rot is bacteria growing in the "circulatory system" of the plants...in the first stages of root rot, the fungus multiplies and stops up the "artery" leading to some part of the plant...that part of the plant serviced by the stopped up artery dies because no water/nutrition gets to it...if fungal rot is not stopped at these early stages, the bacteria will continue to multiply and eventually stop up the entire plants root system...healthy roots will be white...fungal rot roots will be brown, darkening as the affliction worsens...

one of the ways to check for root rot is to take the roots and gently pull down on the "sheath" covering the root...if this sheath slips, root rot is an issue...if it does not slip down, the root is still fairly healthy but probably needs attention right quick...

treating for root rot is a double edged sword for soil growers...peroxide laden water will kill the bacteria causing the root rot (but may not save the part of the plant that is dying) but it will also kill all bacteria in the soil, good and bad (you growing aeroponically don't have the soil issue)...you can try 1 Tbsp H[sub]2[/sub]O[sub]2[/sub] per gallon of water and see if that helps...

again, this is my opinion...others may differ...

sorry to ramble...got carried away....
I lost a NagaBon I had in a DWC as my first go at hydro. Did really well for a few weeks then dropped dead within two days when I first noticed issues. The plant had the same type of marks on the stem above the root ball. After it kicked the bucket I broke open the rotted area and the insides were brown and nothing but mush. This had stopped all uptake of water and nutes which made every leaf drop in a 4 hour period and then poof, dead. I can post pics later today when I get home. Thankfully I was able to figure out what caused it with the help of some THP members, water level was to high from the start keeping a lot of extra moisture on the stem.


edit: pictures below

The problem spot

Inside the problem spot

Healthy Stem picture from 4 inches above the brown spot

As you can see there is a HUGE difference in where the stem rot occurred and a healthy portion of the stem. My plant seriously went from thriving to nothing in no time at all once it set in.
1st off AlabamaJack that was awesome it could never be rambling when you hit people with information packed knowledge !! So all I can say really is thanks I am glad I kept it out of there !! I was thing about putting it back in!! So if all the others ones look ok should I just leave them!!? I will try the H2o2 I do put it in there usually but just dont know how often I should because I know it degrades in the light or something like that so would I add it like every 3 days or so??
Torno Yeah thanks a lot too and I would be glad to see the pictures if you can but the whole weird thing was the stem wasn't soft???? That is what made me start thinking it was alright!? Ya'll have been a great help I would have cut mine open too but I took the top part off and have it in water and are gonna clone it and the other bottom half I planted outside!! But out here in Texas it is so dry and hot I don't know if it will make it my dirt was like sod :banghead: !!! LoL :dance: :dance: :dance:
Thanks again ya'll yeah I do a little micro propagation my main thing used to be orchids but now I have moved back to the faster growing plant world which is way better I feel, but I will put something up soon because I will probably try it with one of those clones!! I appreciate all the THP members!!