Browning veins

Hey guys,
I have a butch t plant that I overwintered and now some buds are showing. The only thing is, I've noticed some browning on the veins of the newer leaves. I've read somewhere that this might be a pH thing. I'm waiting in the mail for my pH meter, but before then can anyone help me diagnose what is going on here?  - for some reason I get this error  You are not allowed to use that image extension on this community. 
The picture is linked above though.
Sorry for some reason my date wasn't set properly so I didn't see this till now.  They're mostly on the top mature leaves about six of them or so. 
I have this on a Moruga, only it's purple...I was assuming all is well because I figured it was a sunburn *shrug*
I'd recommend that you remove the leaves - wear disposable gloves when doing so, and ensure the affected leaves don't come in contact with other leaves. Put the ones you remove into a zipper bag and trash them, along with the gloves. Be sure to wash your hands thoroughly afterwards. 