• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Browning's first glog, 2014. Work in progress

Not really sure what all should be included in these and what not but here's my go at it.  I will get an actual list of everything growing already, and everything to addto a bit later.  For now, the plants I have going at the moment.  Some plants are a bit droopy because they are thirsty.  I like to let them droop a bit before giving them a drink.  The ones I have growing now were started out of boredom and to test some T8 lights.  Iam planning on chopping a few of these in half and trimming them up and keep them alive until they can go out mid April.
A lot of seeds that will make this grow possible came from folks here on THP.  I would like to thank Wayright, Romy6, Buckeye Pepper Company, Denniz, Jerrymart, Dale Baker, Rebelgrower3, Spicegeist, PepperLover, Pepper T Sherwood, Coheed196, and smileyguy697 for seeds.  To every one else, thanks for the incredible amount of information and knowledge I have received from this forum since joining.  I appreciate it. 
The youngest 4 that sit in a windowsill.

Back row are m,y oldest, minus my OW's.  Front row were started with the 4 from the pic above,but the majority in this row are actually strawberry plants I woke upearlyfrom outside a few weeks ago:)

My first 72 cell greenhouse full.  I planted 2 in each and a picture labelling each cell will follow.

What I put in the above greenhouse.

Still need to fill up another which I will do within the next couple of days.  It will consist mostly of crosses. I have acquired some prety exciting crosses over the last couple of months.  Once I get my son setled down a bit I will come through with individual pictures of the already established pepper plants I have going.
I welcome any and all comments,tips, criticism, or anything else you might feel inclined to add.  This will be my first full on pepper grow.  I got a late start last year so I don't count it in.  I will also be including everything else I grow throughout the year so hopefully youdon't mind veggies and fruit being posted. 
Have a great night folks, and please let me know what you think.  :)
Nice seed selection, Browning.
I guess you'll plant-out about mid-May, in ground?
Any sweet pepper's going into the mix later on?
JJJessee said:
Nice seed selection, Browning.
I guess you'll plant-out about mid-May, in ground?
Any sweet pepper's going into the mix later on?
Thank you.  I won't be able to plant outside until mid April.  I'll be growing some sweet apple peppers and bells as well.  I started a couplemsweet apple already and some others that don't need a headstart.  I plan to prune them likecrazy until the can go outside.
Few of the plants I started a little while back. 
Peach Bhut.  This thing has exploded in the last 2 weeks.  Flowering now but I expect them to drop like most of the flowers I've gotten so far

Pimienta Trapadeira De Werner.  Seeds came from Wayright.  Love how low it started branching low

7 Pot Primo.  Love the way this plant looks

Buckeye Butchlah as I call it.  Douglah X Butch T F7.  This is not from the SS cross.  Excited as hell for this one.  Flowering, but two that opened up so far dropped off.

Bulgarian Carot from Pepper T Sherwood.  Already pulled two pods from this one. 

Lumbre Hatch from a guy on facebook.  Just pulled a pod from this a week ago. 

I will; post therest later on.  :)
Tim Vader said:
Do you "top" your plants?
I topped a few a while back.  I believe the douglah x butch t, bulgarian carrot and lumbre was topped.  I plan to do the same with the ones in the windowsill and the others I haven't posted yet.  Iam also going to strip most of the leaves and only leave a couple up top. 
dude, mine look NOTHING like that, lol. I have 2-3 sets of leaves on most of them still. I just started transferring them to larger cups with potting soil though. Hopefully I will notice a difference in size within the next week or so
Tim Vader said:
dude, mine look NOTHING like that, lol. I have 2-3 sets of leaves on most of them still. I just started transferring them to larger cups with potting soil though. Hopefully I will notice a difference in size within the next week or so
you mean cause they haven't split into a Y yet or?
some nice varieties there....Was'nt familiar with the Urfa Biber, but after reading up on it I will have to add this one to the wish list. Sounds like it would make some killer powder. Have you tried/grown this one before?
Jeff H said:
Looking good Browning. Stay warm. Spring sure seems like a far away time when it is -4 outside. <sigh>
Thank you and I'm trying.  This cold weather is getting old
JJJessee said:
They sure are coming to life.
Good work!
Thanks buddy
beerbreath81 said:
some nice varieties there....Was'nt familiar with the Urfa Biber, but after reading up on it I will have to add this one to the wish list. Sounds like it would make some killer powder. Have you tried/grown this one before?
Thanks.  No, I'm actually new to peppers.  I got a late start last year so this will be my first full on pepper grow.  I have heard good things about it though.
Quite the list you have! And an awesome looking head-start. Happy Growing!
beerbreath81 said:
some nice varieties there....Was'nt familiar with the Urfa Biber, but after reading up on it I will have to add this one to the wish list. Sounds like it would make some killer powder. Have you tried/grown this one before?
[SIZE=11.818181991577148px]Never heard of it either, "often described as raisins meets coffee" sounds very interesting! [/SIZE]
Browning said:
Thanks.  No, I'm actually new to peppers.  I got a late start last year so this will be my first full on pepper grow.  I have heard good things about it though.
Cant wait to see what you think of this pepper!
Ok, here we are, half a year laterand I have been MIA from this thread, and the forum as well. 
I started hundreds of plants in the beginning of the year.  All was going great, except Spring seemed to not want to visit here in Ohio.  Browsing craigslist like I usually do every other day or so I came across a pair of blue Sumatra chickens and I just had to have them.  During the hardening off process, and shortly after, those two chcikens, along with the ne we already had, decided they loved peppers plants. They totally ignored the flower starts, and mkost of the tomato starts.  Peppers, they love pepper plants.  I lost almost every thing, and had to start some over.  Being late already I didn't put much effort into it. 
I do have some plants here that are starting to pod, and I still have some that survived the chicken war 2014 as well.  They still get one or two every now and then. 
I'll get some picsup shortly of ones on my Sd card.  None are huge by any means, and a lot of the varieties I really wanted to grow are goners. 
Things are still going slowly, I've had some things ripen up but for the most part I still have some waiting to do. 
Here's some random flowers from my plants.  I'll post some pods once I get a reply or two :)






My garden helper, or destroyer depending on his mood lol

Spraying epsom.  He loves this sprayer