Buckley, Wa

I signed up awhile ago but never let it be known. salsalady has helped a lot so thanks to her. I will be asking questions in the future about growing my own peppers in the future. I read a lot about it online from sites that others have mentioned in the past. Primary question now would be: is elevation an issue for certain or all peppers. I will be growing indoor.
Hey Neighbor! Peppers are not like coffee, they will grow as long as the temps, soil, nutrients, and light levels are what they need. Good coffees need higher altitudes, not sure why......

If you would like to see my humble, mess of a garden, and/or have a great cup of coffee, give me a PM.....
Thanks RS67Man, I will be taking you up on that offer in the future. Thanks ScDevilleDeVille. Is the best time to start from seeds in March?
Welcome from Tacoma! If your growing indoors it doesnt really matter what time of year you start them. Whats your set up?
I don't have much yet, I cleared out my shop, installed electricity in it. Got some heat in it. Now I need lights, thermometers, and seeds. The installation of the windows and electricity took longer than expected.
Gotcha, did you install windows so they could get natural light as well as artificial? How big is your operation going to be :beer: :lol:
I did, they were expensive but the only way to go from what I read. Being a nube I will start small, my shop is about a ten by ten and if you go through a door the shed is connected to that and its also a ten by ten. So eventually this will be a bigger operation.
I was born in '81. If I'm not mistaken you are talking about the HAI81. If so I do not ride personally but my family does. I support our local ABATE and my place of business is part of the bikerfreindlybar.com I guess you can say I support all patches.
Welcome dude! I lived in Bonney Lake for 20 years, my moms still over there, visit quite a bit. Grew Peps over there fora couple years. Lemme know if you need any advice :P
I'll definitely be looking for advice in the future. Right now I'm tasting different peppers to see what I want to grow. When I get things going you can take a look at what I got when your up here visiting. Thanks