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Buds falling off! please help

its fertalizer company... not a human waste company.. its one of the longest running recycling efforts in the US..

if you read what it says on the website it says it comes from may sources, including coors/miller beer plants.. there is some "treated sewage".. but thats not what makes up the fertalizer.. they dump the water in tanks with enzymes that eat all the bacteria in the water. when all the bacteria is gone the enzymes die.. they then extract the enzymes and return the water back to the environment. the extracted enzymes are dried, and bagged..

i just wonderd if you all heard of it and had results.. its cheap at lowes. and there are some sites that suggest using it for growing peppers.. mainly the stuff Jerry Delany has on his website
Go look at the bag, made by The Milwaukee Sewereage Company...........

"Milorganite is the trademark of a biosolids fertilizer produced by the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District. The District captures wastewater from the metropolitan Milwaukee area, including local industries."

Human waste, there is a thread on the board about, it derives it's nitrogen from BIOSOLIDS.............human waste.
It is approved by the Gov. But I do not feel comfortable using, just passing along the info.

Good luck on your grow.

Look into the rolled leaves, that is a sympton of your problem.
It is approved by the Gov. But I do not feel comfortable using, just passing along the info.

Good luck on your grow.

Look into the rolled leaves, that is a sympton of your problem.
our conversation about milorganite reminds me of a movie quote.. " OH GOD!!!! SOYLENT GREEN IS PEOPLE!! PEOPLE!!! "

thanks armac. after reading all of the responses to this thread, ive decided to move the plants and reduce the sun exposure by a couple of hours and to replant them into bigger pots they are in 1 and 2 gallon pots now so moving them up to 5 gal pots.. i dont have space for anything larger really... im not sure that pollenation is the issue as all my other peppers are podding up just fine and the flowers on those look pretty close to the size and shape of the flowers on my Datils..
OK!! pics of my new set up.. to try to stop my Datil buds from dropping.

am starting to get a few new pods.

these are the steps ive been trying:

1) moved pots to get more shade.

2) tried a wet q tip to cross pollinate

3) larger pots.



these things still have a bit of curl on the leaves. I think it was a bit of over feeding. i had used a miricle gro soil that feeds for 6 months and then i fertalized like 3 weeks in. so that could have been the whole problem too. stoopid mistake..
Datils will have a natural curl to the leaves, especially the ones near the top and new sets thats just what they do. As far as shade goes, I keep mine on the front porch which is open air and covered. Neighbor does same thing and his plant is going crazy right now. Too much heat may be your problem. Very nice plants you have by the way, look at those trunks!

Here is the one I have on the porch

Flower drop probable causes:

1. Day temp too high >95F
2. Night temp too low <65F
3. Too much nitrogen fertilizer
4. Too much water
5. Low light levels (reduces fertility).
6. Very low humidity (reduces fertility)
7. Poor air circulation (air circulation contributes to pollination).
8. Lack of pollinating insects.
9. Size of pot
10. Too much mineral in feedwater.
11. Too much grower attention/anxiety.

+1 for this post.

1, 4, 9 and possibly 11 are most likely your culprits.

Too much water can cause you lots of problems, and we've gotten 6 inches of rain in the past two weeks, 2 in 16 days without rain...

You are just an hour or two east of me, so you probably have had less rain, but not by much. My plants are suffering as a result. If you keep those pots outside, then overwatering is definitely an issue. you might think about turning the dripper off for a few days.

Secondly, as has been mentioned, your pots aren't huge. It's been suggested elsewhere by people on this forum that 12 gallons is about the size you want for a full grown pepper plant, however going from the window box and that 1 (maybe 2?) gallon black pot should make things happier.

As for the temp, over here on the coast, its hit 95 a few times this past week, despite the rain.

The hand pollination thing is kind of silly unless you keep it inside. Datil has been acclimated to florida for hundreds of years. The pollinating bugs its expecting are the pollinating bugs we have.

Its even more cold tolerant than many, but because its native to North Florida, not central, it isn't as fond of the warmer temps we have this time of year. I have a hard time getting them started for that reason. This fall I bet it produces like crazy.
I get my seeds from my plants or friends in town. If I choose to get a started plant, there is a feed store close by that keeps some in thier greenhouse.

From a PM I sent a few days ago:

"theres a place called simply "the feed store" ALWAYS has them in thier greenhouse. It is located on SR 16 maybe 2 mi. from I95 headed east toward US1(headed toward downtown st. aug). Left hand side, by a place called Oldham automotive repair. Very high quality plants sold for cheap...in different sizes. And I mean cheap."
I bought datils and bhuts from the pepper palace last year...they did well and weren't terribly expensive. I love St. Augustine...I am envious my friend ; )
yep! went to the store and got some live culture organic stuff that is working really well.. im using the malorganite on my night jasmin and lawn.. works great for that stuff.. oh and of course rubbing it on my junk, but that already huge, really no point lol