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Buffalo Wild Wings Blazin Scoville

I was looking at a hot sauce scoville chart to find where Pure Habanero Red Savina Hot Sauce is. Can't find the rating, but it's my favorite - go through a bottle about every 2 months.

Then I see Buffalo Wild Wings claims their Blazin sauce to be 200,000-350,000. There's no way. I've got some here and a quick taste test between that and Dave's Ultimate Insanity which is 250,000 makes Blazin taste like tomato juice. Don't get me wrong, I love Blazin wings - they are the only ones I get at BWW, but there's no possible way it is that hot! I think there's one too many zeros there. It doesn't even beat Blair's After Death Sauce that's near 50,000. What does everyone else think of that rating that's posted all over the internet?
Im thinking the Dave's stuff might be UNDER-rated. I grew up in Houston, right around the corner from a BW3. The Blazin' wings, I would say, are that hot. About like the wings at Quaker Steak and Lube. QS&L is WAY better, IMO.
I would say it's because I love chicken so much that I just eat and don't notice. :lol: But, I tried the sauce alone.

I've never seen a Quaker Steak, but checking the locations I see there is one where I'm traveling to in a week. Any suggestions on what to get there?
I did the test over since I ate red ghost pepper sauce on burritos just prior to the test. It's hotter than the After Death Sauce, but not Dave's Ultimate Insanity. If I think of downing a dozen wings soaked in Dave's it makes me think of pain. :mouthonfire:
i thought daves ultimate was around 500,000 scovilles. i could be wrong but i could have swore that i read that. dave is so extracty. nasty stuff.
Bofu...I ate at a Quaker Steak a couple of months ago with SouthernYooper, and we both ate the "triple atomic" wings. Its the hottest they have. If you like all of that other stuff, then you'll like this. Pretty toasty, but it has a sweetness to it. Almost like it has honey in it. I LOVE the triple atomic sauce there. Best "hot" sauce I have had in ANY rest.
I'm definitely going to try those triple atomic wings. :)

Dave's ultimate is on a couple lists as 250,000, but maybe that is low. http://www.scottrobertsweb.com/scoville-scale.php
I went to BWW this weekend and did the Blazin' Challenge. The sauce is no where near 250,000 scovilles. I would guess it was around 50,000 (maybe even less). It's not anywhere near as hot as Endorphin Rush, which only claims 33,000 scovilles. The sauce is certainly hot, but I would imagine that nearly everyone could complete the challenge if they really wanted to. I also did the Seppuku Challenge at Buffalo Cantina, which was 1,000,000x worse! I'm going to be putting up a thread detailing my events there, as well as the video of me doing it.
HPLC gives you a ballpark guesstimate at best. As I've stated in the past, I don't put much trust in ther entire Scoville scale, having had some rather interesting (aka: b*llsh*t) results come back after HPLC testing. There is a much better scale to use, if it's really hot, you call it 'really hot', if it's excruciatingly hot, you call it 'excruciatingly hot'. When you rely on SHU units, you fall into the trap, and will miss out on a lot of sauces because they don't say how many SHU's they contain. I refuse to put SHU levels on our products, preferring to say mild, medium and hot, which is actually what they are.
Not to mention YOUR sauce is better than any other "regular" type sauce out there!
I can say that, for the Triple Atomic Wings at QSL, for MOST people, they are challenge worthy. For ME, I still find them good enough to where I could KEEP eating them. They just have SO many flavors, I want to try more than one flavor at a time.
Thanks for the good words man. I feel bad about your truck catchin' fire. It would be interesting to see you attempt our National Championship Deathmatch next year. :hell:
HPLC gives you a ballpark guesstimate at best. As I've stated in the past, I don't put much trust in ther entire Scoville scale, having had some rather interesting (aka: b*llsh*t) results come back after HPLC testing. There is a much better scale to use, if it's really hot, you call it 'really hot', if it's excruciatingly hot, you call it 'excruciatingly hot'. When you rely on SHU units, you fall into the trap, and will miss out on a lot of sauces because they don't say how many SHU's they contain. I refuse to put SHU levels on our products, preferring to say mild, medium and hot, which is actually what they are.

Creator, I totally agree with your scale. When someone tries a chili sauce, do they say "This is a 210,545 scoville unit sauce"? No, I usually hear that a sauce is really hot, or it's medium, etc. I have a sauce that's labelled with 'Medium', but the sauce is somewhere between mild and medium. I haven't yet come up with a good descriptive scale for this range.
I trust the number rating system more. 1-10+. Mild,med,hot,xhot has no meaning to me anymore. I think the one's who use the number scale have more of a reason to be more specific, like 8,9,10, and 10+ for the superhots. Most commercial products that say hot or extra hot would really be 3-6 for most of us. When I see 7-10+, I know more what that means.
Im with you, Paul. I cant even taste the heat from Jalapenos any more. Well, pickled ones. But, when my wife gets a hold of them, they tear her apart! Shoot, she cant even handle seasoned salt! Well, there's a reason...thrush. Yeah, its a baby thing. But she gets it, too. Ketchup even burns her sometimes.
DEFCON, if I could make it there, I would give it a DAMN good shot! Shoot, ask SouthernYooper how I handled the Triple Atomic at QS&L. Hot, yes. But challenge worthy for someone that eats the stuff on a regular basis? Nope. Almost laughable.
I dont know if you read my post in the Lounge, but I am getting my truck back, along with a decent size check. So all is good! I appreciate the concern though man!
Shoot, ask SouthernYooper how I handled the Triple Atomic at QS&L. Hot, yes. But challenge worthy for someone that eats the stuff on a regular basis? Nope. Almost laughable.
I personally guarantee you won't be laughing. :hell:

As for the truck, VERY cool dude! When you sent me the PM about it, I wasn't sure if you were joking or not. Glad to see everything worked out.
Call me if you need any engine-build support!
Pretty much covered in the engine-build support. All I have left are new heads, a new cam and a new rear. It doesn't NEED these things right now, but it will get them.
Pretty much covered in the engine-build support. All I have left are new heads, a new cam and a new rear. It doesn't NEED these things right now, but it will get them.

Belt-driven supercharger and an MSD distributor AND ignition box....I'm diggin' it!

Let's race! :woohoo:

Edit: Adjustable front suspension too from the looks of it..... :cool: