disease-pests Bug chewing holes in peppers?


Any idea what kind of bug is doing this? How I can stop it?
I cut it open and it looked fine inside. I had a different one with a hole, cut it open and it looked like it was rotting a bit on the inside, seeds were brown/blackish. I haven't seen any bugs.
Likely a caterpillar of some sort. They tend to leave superhots alone after taking a bite. I probably lose one of every hundred pods to them.

Saw a caterpillar dead hanging off a T-Scorp a few weeks ago. Should have taken a picture - guess the Scorps are hot enough this year!
I had the same issue with my first ripe pod this year, lucky for me it was a super hot and like FG it killed the caterpillar. I have seen a few more with a single hole but nothing inside.
Oh that sucks. I know the feeling well but I ususally come to find just half the dang chili eaten away... I have squirrels...
I'd rather it be a caterpillar than pepper maggot or weevil. My first ripe one of the year was perfect, but every ripe one since has had a small hole in them. Most have been usable though. Thanks guys.
I had this damage to one of the 7pot/scorpion crosses. I looked around for a caterpillar-culprit or any frass--there was none. So I'm tending to think it was some kind of mammal. Any ideas?
Ive had major issues with slugs this year due to damp warm weather, the gits seem to really enjoy the occasional young pod in the greenhouse! Especially 7 pots, As a result i have equiped the greenhouse with a small arsenal of kebab sticks, a small tub of salt and a flame throwing lighter for my revenge! Moohahaha