Bug Hunt

Well, I finally got tired of watching all the holes mysteriously appearing on my plants, got off my lazy bhut and went out last night with a flashlight.

I found about 8 slugs in my planters (all levels except the tomatoes). They don't seem interested in dill or tomatoes. Dumped 'em in a plastic cup, salted them and threw them in the garbage.

Went out again tonight and found 6 more in the planters. Checked my less hot peppers that I have in the ground and found another 6. One of them was a grand-daddy. This explains why three out of my 15 or so ornamentals completly disappeared. Salted and dumped 'em.

Set some beer traps: cut some 6 oz. dixie cups in half (height-wise), dug a small hole and buried them so the top was flush with the ground and filled them with beer. While doing this another 3 grand-daddys appeared! I think they all wake up at different times. Probably if I went out agin now I'd find more.

Alot of people on this forum have posted pics of their swiss cheese leaves. Mine looked just like that (including my cauliflower). I haven't seen an earwig around in years but I really didn't expect the problem to be slugs because alot of the damage now is to the top leaves (used to be to the bottom ones). I think they just like the tender newer leaves. Actually caught a small slug that climbed to the top of one of the plants. It seems the small ones are light enough to do that.

While setting the beer traps I found one of my cayenne plants way in the back has almost disappeared too. Its a stub about one inch tall with one leaf remaining. It was about 12 inches tall when I bought it. I think I remember seeing someone's posted picture of their plant like that too back in the early spring.

Hope this helps but the only way you'll know for sure is to go out on a night patrol.
Good job finding the evil doer's and destroying them!!! I have swiss cheese looking califlower and I'm going to stake out all night tonight and see if it's slugs as well as my ant problem..
Checked my beer traps this mornin'. Trap#1 has 2 slugs, trap#2 empty, trap#3 2 more slugs.

Looks like I'm starting to run out of slugs.
RedThumb said:
Checked my beer traps this mornin'. Trap#1 has 2 slugs, trap#2 empty, trap#3 2 more slugs.

Looks like I'm starting to run out of slugs.

I'll be glad to share mine with you. I've got plenty.
It may not be practical, but if you have pots or a raised bed, copper is supposed to repel them. You would have to completely encircle the plants. Not always practical! Also they live under dead laeves and other debris. I keep my beds very clear of weeds and debris now and that seems to have stopped the problem. They were HELL on my seedlings. Good luck.
cheezydemon said:
It may not be practical, but if you have pots or a raised bed, copper is supposed to repel them. You would have to completely encircle the plants. Not always practical! Also they live under dead laeves and other debris. I keep my beds very clear of weeds and debris now and that seems to have stopped the problem. They were HELL on my seedlings. Good luck.

Tried looking all over for the copper tape that was suggested. No one around here seems to carry it. I do keep the planters free of debris but the slugs seems to commute from outside the planters. Actually I noticed a drop in problems one week when a lot of leaves fell in the planters. I would guess the slugs munched on those.

As for my ornamentals, they are mixed in with my flowers and the whole bed is mulched.
Right on. In that case keep plenty of batteries on hand!

As for the leaf decoys that fell, that reminds me of one remedy that I heard of which involved growing a decoy crop of something around your plants. That sounds like a pain in the butt too though, and it would use up space that you could grow more pepper plants in.
A word of caution regarding beer traps...don't depend on them!

I did another patrol tonight and caught about another twenty slugs. It's easier now cause they all hang around the beer traps like it was the local bar but I found that more than half that fall in eventually climb back out. I spent a good 15 minutes pushing them back in with a stick an eventually gave up and salted/dumped them. It takes a loooong time for them to drown.

The only good thing the beer traps does is it gets them to congregate in one area for you to catch them. But since I could round up a bunch and find another bunch hanging out at the same bar 15 minutes later, I would suggest NOT putting them too close to your veggies. Otherwise the ones who go out on the town after you leave may just snack on them on the way home from the bar.