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pests Bug ID: Anyone know what these are?

I found these tiny bugs on a few of my pepper plants the other day. I don't know if they're aphids, mites, beetles, etc... I can't find any pics that look exactly like these. One of the affected plants leaves appear to have bunches of tiny pits when viewed with a magnifying glass. Not sure if it's related to the bugs. I started seeing these soon after I moved them to the basement floor. I've sprayed soap solution on the affected plants, and around the grow area.  I moved them off the floor to a small shelf, kept under a 4' light. I'm still seeing a few on the shelf every time I go down there, which is several times a day. I'm also still finding one or two on plants. None of the other plants on the table above seem to be affected yet. I've been squishing them as I find them.
Yeah, that pic looks like them to me too. Thanks! And they do leave a reddish stain when squished, as the wiki article mentions. One of my plants has some tiny pits and scratches on a leaf, but that could have been from my dry rough fingers raking across and squishing on the bugs. Can only see the damage with a magnifying glass. I sprayed some poison down around the basement and garage doors, maybe that'll prevent more from coming in. (If that's the source)
moosery said:
Initially I thought "spider mite" but I'm swaying more toward the possibility they're just "money spiders" - any damage to the plants?

Also - here's another possibility
I used to see those on concrete a lot when I was a kid, never knew what they were.  I haven't seen any since I moved out to the countryside.  They're bright red when you squish them right?