Just found this on another forum:
1. The Leaf footed nymphs tend to stay in clusters. A lone orange colored nymph is usually an Assassin bug.
2. The Assassin nymphs have small white spots on their body. The Leaf footed nymphs do not.
3. The Assassin nymphs are beginning to develop wings that can be seen. The Leaf footed nymphs wings are less obvious.
The folks there seemed to agree on at least 1 and 2, so based on that and what we saw on our 'maters and peppers so far this year (nymphs and adults at the same time), I would say leaf-footed bugs.
We tried soap first, which seemed to knock them down, but they kept coming back. Pyrethrin seemed to knock them out for a while (weeks), but starting to see some again now, so will have to spray again...
They did a number on the 'maters, but weren't too bad on the peppers the first time. They seem to be showing more on the pepper plants this time around though...
D'oh... just noticed what appears to be an adult in your pic too... so yea... pretty positive now