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pests Bug ID?

Anyone know what's this?



, Vegas
looks like a stink bug! but I doubt you have those there! Doesn't really look like something that would eat leaves or chilies....but i dont know much
dude that's a spiny stink bug they are your enemy. don't squish them they release a stink that attracts more of them. either spray them with soapy water or, what i do sometimes, i'll grab them and put them into an empty water bottle and put them lid on. no more trouble in there.

is this the same bug?http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.dpughphoto.com/images/spined%2520soldier%2520bug%2520maybe%2520durham%252082106.JPG&imgrefurl=http://www.dpughphoto.com/stink_bugs&h=721&w=550&sz=172&tbnid=ZoCunPJhnAaneM:&tbnh=92&tbnw=70&zoom=1&usg=__-Iu6ks7_IFtZVCrt3HaPH2SK5fc=&docid=HUZJLB6KLdpmOM&sa=X&ei=dfVzUcjdBISK9QTPhYDABA&ved=0CEUQ9QEwBA&dur=1125
Looks like an assassin bug to me. It lacks the spins on it's shoulder and the markings on it's wings are different than the stink bug. They are one of the few creatures native that will go after the marmorated stink bug.
Dang. Cayenne that video is so awesome, assassin bug owns. It definitely has that shape except this one looks like it's still a baby.

Birdfather: The pic you put up is definitely a stink bug, your bug pic has a boxy shape that mine doesn't. Notice the back legs are grasshopper like too.

TOAW: I agree, that video that Cayenne put cleared it up.

Is there a way I can keep it from fleeing? I went to my cousin's house like about a month ago and saw an adult assassin bug. If I get it and take it to my plants will it fight or kill other assassins?

Thank you all for the help.

, Vegas