pests Bug identification

Hey guys i need your help identifying the following bug,  its only on one of my chill plants which i think is odd,
they dont seem to give of a bad smell when i poke them or move / remove them
if its a threat how would i best get rid of it and prevent it from spreading. (sorry for the low quality)

Initially I though that too. However nothing happens when i kill / harras them. Like there is no smell. But thanks for the answer though & i was hoping for the best.
in that case i will go mix a quick solution to hopefully get rid of them 
Yes, technically, that's a stinkbug nymph. Which is an immature critter, same idea as a larva but morphologically speaking, nymphs are like little cartoon versions of adults whereas larvae are wormy things that need to fully metamorphosize...

Either way, he will f up your grow as much as he can. I saw one of those on my plants the other day, crushed him, no noticeable odor.... Maybe the immature stages don't have the stankin' glands yet?

But yeah, my perp looked just like yours. Darker than a marmorated stink bug, wings not developed yet... My guy was little and I actually thought he might be a tick until I got a closer look at him
Bicycle808 said:
Yes, technically, that's a stinkbug nymph. Which is an immature critter, same idea as a larva but morphologically speaking, nymphs are like little cartoon versions of adults whereas larvae are wormy things that need to fully metamorphosize...
If it's on the internet as a larva, then it's a fact.  Case dismissed!  :D