pests Bugs I'm sure, but what kind?

Found these 2 pods on one of my bhuts today,hope that they are sacrificial pods and nothing more serious. I guess a shower with Thuricide or soapy water couldn't hurt. And another thing, are the pods on bhuts more sensitive to falling off the plant than other peppers, seems if I barely touch one it may fall off with stem intact( probably3 or 4 small ones have fallen of. Thanks in advance 
There's a number of caterpillars that will do that, as well a pepper weevils, which seem to be more common where you are.  And, I've not noticed any bhuts I've grown being more prone to falling off.  I'd say the ones knocked off were close to being aborted by the plant already.  Have you checked the inside of the ones that you knocked off by accident?
compmodder26 said:
There's a number of caterpillars that will do that, as well a pepper weevils, which seem to be more common where you are.  And, I've not noticed any bhuts I've grown being more prone to falling off.  I'd say the ones knocked off were close to being aborted by the plant already.  Have you checked the inside of the ones that you knocked off by accident?
Gonna operate on these pods after dropping off a car, I'll post some pics when I open them up,Thx
hammerhead pat said:
Gonna operate on these pods after dropping off a car, I'll post some pics when I open them up,Thx
Ok, I opened the pods up and this is what I found, no bugs , but what kinda looks like fecal matter in the bottom of one or them. As far as birds, I dunno unless one of the cardinals is brave. I went ahead and showered all my plants with  Thuricide and did see a habanero pod with the start of a hole, not all the way thru so I guessing weevil or catapilar   
Went outside early this morning and found 2 of these on my Hot Thai plant  I also discovered this egg filled leaf about 20ft away on my red habanero   
Just by chance the guy spraying my house was here on Friday and I was able to show him a pod with a hole bored in it and he suggested a product called "Sevin", so I got a bottle and sprayed the plants thouroughly yesterday. Hope this stuff works and these critters go away!! BTW, I have ladybugs all over the plants.
hammerhead pat said:
I had not heard that!! DOH!!! Thanks for the info,Pat
Carbaryl kills both targeted (e.g. malaria-carrying mosquitos) and beneficial insects (e.g. honeybees), as well as crustaceans.
Although approved for more than 100 crops in the US, carbaryl is illegal in several countries, including the United Kingdom, Austria, Denmark, Sweden, Iran, Germany, and Angola.[3]
Carbaryl is often produced using methyl isocyanate (MIC) as an intermediary. A leak of MIC used in the production of carbaryl caused the Bhopal disaster, the largest industrial accident in history. This accident caused around 11,000 deaths and over 500,000 injuries."
The instructions on the bottle stated that it might kill honeybees and other bees and was not for commercial use. Oh well, too late now. As long as I stop finding pods with holes in them, I'll be happy and hope for return of ladybugs. Appreciate the feedback.
Those are not "eggs" on your leaves.  Those are aphid "mummies", caused by parasitic wasps.  They are extremely beneficial, and when you see that many mummies, you are winning the battle.  It would be folly to tamper with nature, at that point...
Just remember, if it gets into the plant and kills the bugs, logic dictates that it goes into you, also...
solid7 said:
Those are not "eggs" on your leaves.  Those are aphid "mummies", caused by parasitic wasps.  They are extremely beneficial, and when you see that many mummies, you are winning the battle.  It would be folly to tamper with nature, at that point...
Just remember, if it gets into the plant and kills the bugs, logic dictates that it goes into you, also...
Learning something new every day, THANKS!!!!