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pests Bugs in my rockwool - really?

As I was trying to grow my Thai peppers (dont know specific name) from seed that a neighbor brought back from Thailand this summer, get my bhut jolokia going again, I discovered something rather interesting and yet terrible.


I have never seen these before, I have seen mites, but thats from bringing peppers from outside with dirty soil from my yard and giving them to much comfort without the armies of ladybugs we have here. They have been devistating these few lonely plants I was nursing back to health while germinating some new seeds. I started seeing thrips. I thought I had contaminated soil but what I found really threw me for a loop. I thought I had seen black specs in my rockwool cubes that I purchased from an online retailer of garden supplies (they'll remain nameless for now). I didnt think anything of it, having never used rockwool before to germinate plants. I got thrips in a second garden but the only thing in common with the two is having germinated seeds in rockwool that came from the same package.

Out of a whim I put the rockwool under the microscope and found bodies and eggs of these bugs. LOTS of them. They were wrapped in plastic, dry, and away from anything biological. There is no reason that thrips would have settled in these.

The lesson I learned was to sterilize everything before you use it. I tried pyrethrum and its basically candy for these bastards. Disgusted I put the plants outside for a night (its cold now) and dusted them with sevin (I know, I hate this shit) and then put them under a window inside. They might make it but most of the other plants just had to be tossed.

Do you think me leaving the RW cubes in the freezer for a few days will kill off all pests? should I soak or rinse them in light bleach? has anyone EVER seen rockwool with an infestation. Is this sabbotage? I'd really hate to get something like roaches from rockwool because the warehouse where the products were stored had some kind of problem.

I've emailed the vendor, but its been almost 24 hours with no reply. It will probably take a few days for a reply.

yuk! what is your procedure before putting your plants into rockwool?

personally, i soak the rockwool for several hours, in the past i have just used plain water but after your post...........yikes!

i have never tried microwaving rockwool, wonder if that would sterilize it or would it start on fire. freezing may kill the live critters but i don't know about eggs. eggs have so many different levels of growth or should i say levels of state - especially spore state that allows then to survive drought, fires, frost etc. a microwave might giggle up their molecules!

good luck with that!
I was worried about cold hardiness. I was told by another friend to steam the cubes. I could prolly boil them...mmmm parboiled rockwool with a side of hummus. I will test to see if they hold up this weekend. Steaming them in a bamboo steamer might do the trick too.
Rock wool is spun from rocks, hence the name.....pretty fire resistant.
Heating them will certainly kill buggies.
Rock wool is spun from rocks, hence the name.....pretty fire resistant.
Heating them will certainly kill buggies.

+1 on the heat and you can also do a soak in a 2 gal zip bag with an organic brew or insecticidal soap.

Glad I found this post as my Rockwool arrives from Cali in 2 days.... Megahurts is the problem resolved and if yes what method works best ??? Thanks !
Resolved? Not really the way I wanted. I never got a reply from the vendor. Either they thought I was lying and going to demand something from them. I was really hoping that they would have at least acknoleged my concern or gave me some kind of small credit. I'm not a top account, but I've spent more than a few dollars with them. I wont push it, but it doesnt make me want to be a loyal customer either. Oh well, I learned.

Most of the pepper plants are dead since I put them outside in the cold. I'll try again later. I did use some sevin dust 5%, but its best to just start over and I hate chemicals around food. I'll use DE dust every time I mix indoor and outdoor plants in the same environment again.

It may have come from my soil, but unlikey or it could have come from the peppers I brought in from outdoors. What amazed me was to find unmistakable insect parts and egg-like structures in the rockwool, when that stuff should be expected to be sterile since its plastic wrapped. These bugs did NOT get into the rockwool from the existing infestation. It definitely existed beforehand.

Steam it. I think this is the BEST suggestion. Put it in a bamboo basket and let it get plenty of steam for 10 or so minutes. You can likely boil it. That should sterilize it just fine. I think soaking might work , but it may not get them all. If you're trying to recover (instead of reset), I think that once you break the 7 day cycle of reproduction in the insect and it cant burrow, lay, and hatch, you can consider them done for. Theyll drop from the leaves and try to reproduce in the dirt. Some DE and typical treatments for fungus gnats or mites will interrupt the process.

I always boil rockwool cubes prior to use. It gets the pH in balance faster than just rinsing them, and it sanitizes them (not sterilize, those are two different things). Boil them for ten minutes then put the pan under cold water to rinse them.
I would boil rockwool rather than nuke them- boiling will help with the pH as well as kill anything in them.
I do nuke soil if I reuse it- nuking it for 2-3 minutes will kill everything in it, including beneficials. But if it's being reused, I'd rather have lifeless soil rather than have the chance of transferring bad bugs.