pests Bugs On My Nagas ??

Hi. I jut found what I can only call some kind of 'powder/bugs' on the undersides of a lot of leaves on my big and only big Naga Jolokia. I have no idea what it is. Is it a pest or a disease? It looks like a white scale, but I rub my finger across it and it rubs off. Scale doesnt come off that easy. It looks like tiny white scale,and it is covered in either a web or white powder??? The leaves are not deformed and not falling off....yet. I dont know what it is. But it is on most of the 6 pepper plants I have...I have just found them. I suppose I could spend hours and wash each leaf and see if that takes care of it. But that is a long process. Does anyone have any idea what this could be?:?:
Sounds like mites to me too:(. Get a magnifying glass and look closely though.
Spider mites like it hot and dry so usually a good rain will help, but soap is probably your best bet.
From: East Bay Nursery

Spider mites
This family of mites are major pests in both the home and garden. They suck the sap from the leaves and buds causing discoloration and malformation. Evidence of their presence usually includes yellow stippling, a dusty or dirty appearance to the leaf, and the presence of fine web like material on the underside of the leaves. The most common mites attack plants that are in hot, dry conditions which have little air movement.

Controls: Often you can prevent infestation of your house plants by increasing the air flow and humidity levels around your plants. This means opening a window and misting your plants. Outdoors, you can do the same thing by thinning your plants and occasionally hosing down your plants. If your plants become infested, you can control them with the use of horticultural oil, a miteicide containing hexakis, or insecticides including Isotox® or Diazinon.

Me now:
I'm not sure which, if any of those products are safe to use for food plants. I'd check on that before using them on your peppers.
NatGreenMeds said:
infested, you can control them with the use of horticultural oil, a miteicide containing hexakis, or insecticides including Isotox® or Diazinon.

Me now:
I'm not sure which, if any of those products are safe to use for food plants. I'd check on that before using them on your peppers.
I think by horticultural oils they mean neem and that kind of stuff. right?
if you are not having deformed leaves and buds on the top of the plant, it could be powdery mildew...seems to fit for you hot humid climate...
I know It Isnt Mites.....

I know it isnt spider mites. They are a pain in the a-- on many plants...I know them by heart. It also isnt powdery mildew. I am almost sure it is some kind of scale. But they are so super soft, is that possible? Usually they are hard and dark and cant be removed by simply lightly rubbing them. And this powdery covering is alien to me. I will go for a 'home made' insecticide. How much 'soap' and what kind do i use, so it doesn't kill the peppers? To see if that will get rid of these soft powdery white 'scales'?:?:
You can use washing up liquid (teaspoon to a couple of litres of water). Try not to use the perfumed type or anti-bacterial though.