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pests bugs.

hey I have these tiny little white bugs on my seedlings I mean theres hundreds of them they are all just moving around they arent sitting still.and im not seeing any bad signs the seedlings are still growing good.so anyone got any idea what these things are.I noticed them the day after i put the seedlings in the new soil (miracle grow potting mix)then they were only on the sides of the cup but now all over the seedlings.I would get a pic of them but I can hardly see them with my own eyes so my camera will not show them.also I have some organic insectisidle soap spray will it hurt to sray my young ones with this they are around 2 inches tall and about 2 weeks old.
This is what I would do, fwiw. If you have some, put out some sticky yellow insect paper right away and see how many bugs you can get flying around and sticking to the paper. Even if the seedlings don't look affected, masses of insects on them can't be good. If no sticky paper, try knocking the bugs off the plants without hurting the plants. Crush them. The bugs. Then a little of your organic spray. Do you have a magnifying glass you could look at them with? They may be egg laying adults if they are not feeding on the plant. Look for sucker marks on the leaves.
Sounds like you may well have the same problem I did quite recently. They're fungus gnat larvae, and the best way to deal with them is to follow the advice I was given, which worked beautifully. Get some Mosquito dunks, put one in water, then water the plants. The bacteria in the dunks completely ignore plants, and only go after the larvae. Once the bacteria's done the voodoo that it do so well, it'll go dormant.
so i just order 2 chinese praying mantis egg sacs and 750 live ladybugs from hirts.and I have a question.is there any pest that they will not eat that i should be on the look out for or do they pretty much take care of all of them?and how do i make sure my bugs will stay around my plants?