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Built a vortex compost brewer

The vortex energy is a giant load of crap. The key with brewing tea is organic growth, which means oxygen exchange. Oxygen exchange in water is accomplished through surface area and surface tension disruption. The bubbles do this, but I'd imagine you'll get much more surface tension from this design. I'd also imagine that the only major difference between the two would be time spent brewing. Then again, these organisms may already be dividing at optimal rates, meaning the increased surface area isn't actually doing anything at all.
Proud Marine Dad said:
The reasons I saw on the video for one of the vortex machines I totally disagree with.
They are talking like spinning the water creates "energy" as in eastern mysticism zen type of thing.
Sorry but that is just one step above voodoo in my humble opinion. :rolleyes:
That reminds me of martial arts talking about your internal power (ie "Ki" in the Korean Martial Arts like I studied). Yeah sure. :lol:
It's all voodoo.  Plants should be grown in dirt, dammit.  :P