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burn it all!

Not sure about the PH level and others issues brought up. But have always seen the old timers here in Ga burn their lawns. They say it adds nutrients and kills last years weed seeds (sort of a cheap pre-emergent with out chemicals) I would also till it in afterwards as, others have suggested tho. An on a side note. Every Bermuda lawn I've seen burned comes back lush and green in spring.
I haven't burned in a garden recently.
It probably depends on the overall soil conditions to decide if the Pro to burning out weigh the Cons.

Pros of burning:
It's a quick cleanse of debris (dead plants)
Returns a quick boost of P-K nutrients to the soil.
Kills harmful fungi, viruses, and some pest eggs and larvae
Warms the ground for spring planting.
Ph may be positvely effected for extremely acid soils.
Burning is fun

Cons to burning
Extra caution required
Plowing debris under returns a wide array of useful compounds to the soil bio-zone resulting in a longer time frame release of nutrients.
Some beneficial insect and microbial life can be negatively impacted
Ph may be altered adversely
If you want to burn something, you got to doi it right!

here is an example of someone tried to enrich the soil for the new season


Beautiful view all night long


and the next night, too


and finaly, after a week or something, job is done!


soil is full of nutrients, ready to go!

(sorry, but i couldn't resist :P :fireball: :hell: )

Last year I took all of my plants and cut them up after the last harvest and turned them into the soil for this year, since I cant burn except in a covered fire pit (which I have). Didnt know about the ash though so guess it is time to empty out the fire pit.
My thinking with not burning was that all of the nutrients would be burned up also. Either way I have a pile of stuff that I am going to make a compost pile out of.
I would think a fast burn (like in a grass fire) would leave the roots and even some of the plant base intact and providing some compost when tilling, getting some advantages of both.
After reading through this I realized I had some leftover firepit remains from last year, so I thought "What the hell" and threw it in my raised garden with some compost. We'll see how it turns out.
After reading through this I realized I had some leftover firepit remains from last year, so I thought "What the hell" and threw it in my raised garden with some compost. We'll see how it turns out.

Well there ya go! I'm surprised you guys haven't discussed this before

Edit... Or maybe you have and i just haven't found it
We had some nice weather today and i decided to go for it! Thought I'd post this cause me and the kids had a blast doing it. Its not cause we don't ever get to have fires but that burning can be fun.

Had the boys help pick up the yard after the last big storm


Then broke out the lighter and let her eat in the old raised bed






Then the garden. There wasn't enough to burn the whole thing but I'm sure its going to do some good.


He had to help get the little piles going. Lol... My little man
