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Burned out my sinuses

Since I can play with live plants right now, I decided to clean out the cupboards and start making powder out of all my dried pods. Here is what I have done so far.


I'm done for the night because my sinuses feel like someone just stuck a flame thrower up there. Actually, my nose has kind of gone numb. BTW I still have 3 - 3gal bags left of peppers to grind of various varieties. I should be finished in a day or so.
No. They are quart freezer bags. I'm also going to store the bags in a tupper-wear container. The Gallon bags is where the dried pods are stored in. I still have a bunch to grind into powder.
Oh, they're only quart bags. ONLY QUART BAGS! Can't blame your sinuses one bit for being toasted, that is a ton of powder. Good luck tomorrow.
Thanks. I'll post more tomorrow when I finish up.

My mouth has a good burn at the moment cause I just polished off a heaping plate of Orange Hab Spaghetti that I made with 3 Tbs (Tablespoons) of the ground orange hab powder. YEEOWW! I don't know how many pods that equates to but WOW it was intense.
three tablespoons??? Wow I bet that is some hot stuff. I still have a grocery bag full of different peppers that I need to grind up, but I am waiting until it's warmer so I can do it outside. I've learned my lesson about the fumes.
JayT, I think that half of what I used would have been plenty. My head was soaked by the time I finished dinner.

You're right, I should be doing it outside, but right now all I have is time on my hands and since my wife was complaining about all of these bags of pods laying around, I decided to put my time to use. I think tomorrow I'm going to wear a dust mask.

BTW, everything settled down before she got home tonight. What a relief cause last year she yelled at me banning me from doing any work with pods in the house. She sometimes doesn't have a strong sense of humor. :lol:
same thing happened to me last time I made sauce. I started a thread about it on here called Banned from the kitchen. Now I just have to let her know I'm going to be doing it and she takes my son and goes to visit her mom or grandma.
LOL, Banned from the kitchen??? I simply tell my wife I'll be grinding
up Trinidad Scorpions, 7 pots, or any of the other "mild" ;) types I
grow to make sauce with and she disappears!

My Magic Bullet sure got a work out today. Here is what I have finished with today. Now all I have left is a few bags of dried tomatoes and a handful of Red Savina Habs.

I doubt I have to worry about running out anytime soon. :)


My Total Stash

Dude, that's a lifetime supply for 99% of people on planet earth. I guess you should be able to make it until summer when the fresh pods start rolling in. Very nice job.
JayT said:
Awesome work Pepperfreak! Maybe you can bring a little of each along to IGG's so we can try them?

I would love to, but...I checked with my work schedule and I have to work that weekend :( and since I will have used about all of my bult up time, I doubt I can get it off.

Damn broken foot.