business-legal Business Designated Phone Numbers??

I know the big guys have phone numbers designated strictly for their businesses, but curious about more of the id/low level guys?
I have the opportunity to grab 1-800-GEM-CROW which would run me about $22 a month for a basic plan.
FULL DISCLOSURE: I am nowhere in need (at this time) of having a business phone number. I have not been in a position where a text, FB message, or call on my cell couldn't handle any situation in regards to my hot sauce biz. While I can afford the extra expense, in regards to keeping a tight reign on un-needed expenses, was curious what your thoughts pro/con in going forth with obtaining the number anyways..
1. It'd be cool to be able to secure that number in case one day I do get to the point where it is more of a neccesity.
2. In the meantime, I could use it as more of a hot line to announce special deals, promotions, contests, etc...
3. 2-3 sales that come in through any promotion I do thru the hot-line, and it kind of pays for itself.
4. visibly, it adds a bit of credibility on business cards and promotional materials. perception of being bigger than I am.
1. While 3-400 bux over the course of the year, won't really affect me, why add the unneeded expense at this time?
Am I missing any obvious pro's or con's?
I think I am leaning towards giving it a shot as their is no contract or commitment. The only thing that makes me 'jump' is the intiial activation and set-up fee's...
I get a free number with my hosting plan :)
The question is do you really want to have a phone to deal with orders.
Would you forward the number to your cell? Have a dedicated land line? have a dedicated cell? What additional costs would those add?
a number of things with an 800 number... read the fine print... most 800 numbers you pay for will not belong to you they will be another companies name and you cant take it with you.. there are lots of these 800 number warehouses...
give me a few minutes... ihave a place where you can buy your number for 50-100bucks and they host it free for a year... can move it anywhere you want and it belongs to you... no monthly crap... your plan sounds like your renting and its not yournumber...
JoynersHotPeppers said:
I get a free number with my hosting plan :)
The question is do you really want to have a phone to deal with orders.
Would you forward the number to your cell? Have a dedicated land line? have a dedicated cell? What additional costs would those add?
I don't think I would set it up to take orders; more of pure 'hotline'.....for now, at least. but thats not a bad idea, if and for people who may wanna deal with a real person rather than do an online order....i could program it to be live from 10-5pm every day if i wanted...
It' would be forwarded to my cell, so i could control if i take calls or have it go directly to a voice mail system...There are a lot of options, most which I do not think add to the monthly bill... 
ok i just did a search for your 1800 gem crow number and you are bnot buying the gem crow 800 number you are simply renting their service with a number they own... the only toll free number you you have available that you can own is 844-GEM-CROW    This number is Currently Available and can be Activated Immediately for a one time fee of $49 
844 is just as good and recognizable... plus no monthly fees.. 49 dollars and its yours... sit on it, move it, whatever... 
one thing i have found that alot dont consider these days, is most calls dont cost alot anymore anyway since most people are using cell phones... and also because people are using cell phones and not landlines, i dont remember the last time i have seen a keypad with the letters under the numbers so whereas its kool to recognize a number by name and words, how do people punch it in when keypads dont show letters anymore? is it really worth it when people all over the country can call your number on their cell phone for the same cost as if they were calling their next door neighbor? toll free numbers kinda became pointless as cell phone planes evolved to include everything (for most people anyway)
as for pros and cons... big con is you dont own 1800gemcrow and are just paying for a with what i showed you... only 49 bucks... use it, dont, at least its yours and cost no monthly fees etc... keep it in your back pocket for whenever you decide what to do with it..
Gemini Crow Sauce Company said:
I know the big guys have phone numbers designated strictly for their businesses, but curious about more of the id/low level guys?
I have the opportunity to grab 1-800-GEM-CROW which would run me about $22 a month for a basic plan.
FULL DISCLOSURE: I am nowhere in need (at this time) of having a business phone number. I have not been in a position where a text, FB message, or call on my cell couldn't handle any situation in regards to my hot sauce biz. While I can afford the extra expense, in regards to keeping a tight reign on un-needed expenses, was curious what your thoughts pro/con in going forth with obtaining the number anyways..
1. It'd be cool to be able to secure that number in case one day I do get to the point where it is more of a neccesity.
2. In the meantime, I could use it as more of a hot line to announce special deals, promotions, contests, etc...
3. 2-3 sales that come in through any promotion I do thru the hot-line, and it kind of pays for itself.
4. visibly, it adds a bit of credibility on business cards and promotional materials. perception of being bigger than I am.
1. While 3-400 bux over the course of the year, won't really affect me, why add the unneeded expense at this time?
Am I missing any obvious pro's or con's?
I think I am leaning towards giving it a shot as their is no contract or commitment. The only thing that makes me 'jump' is the intiial activation and set-up fee's...
you are a slave to their fees.. no contract or commitment because if you dont pay they just rent the number to someone else and you lose... own your number, dont rent... the place i showed you doesnt rent phone lines.. all they do is get people numbers... they have no reason to charge or trap you...

JUR-Z-Devil said:
ok i just did a search for your 1800 gem crow number and you are bnot buying the gem crow 800 number you are simply renting their service with a number they own... the only toll free number you you have available that you can own is 844-GEM-CROW    This number is Currently Available and can be Activated Immediately for a one time fee of $49 
844 is just as good and recognizable... plus no monthly fees.. 49 dollars and its yours... sit on it, move it, whatever... 
one thing i have found that alot dont consider these days, is most calls dont cost alot anymore anyway since most people are using cell phones... and also because people are using cell phones and not landlines, i dont remember the last time i have seen a keypad with the letters under the numbers so whereas its kool to recognize a number by name and words, how do people punch it in when keypads dont show letters anymore? is it really worth it when people all over the country can call your number on their cell phone for the same cost as if they were calling their next door neighbor? toll free numbers kinda became pointless as cell phone planes evolved to include everything (for most people anyway)
This is a big help! Thanks.
I actually called and got to speak to the owner of the company and he spent 15 minutes with me going over a whole slew of questions I had.
The major item is by spending the $49.00, I'd own the phone number for life, as opposed to going through that other service ( where i'd only be renting it from them and would lose it should they go out of business or i decide to try a different service....thats a big thing..
the only negative though is that, this company only offers ownership of the number and no enhanced features like voicemail, meaning whether people dial my personal cell, or the new 1-844 number it will ring on my phone and goto my personal voicemail...i woudn't be able to differentiate where the calls end up...
hence, i'd need to use grasshopper or a similar voice mail service anyway....either way, its gonna be an additional monthy service fee....i'd own the number though....
still leaning towards trying it out as it's one of my '5 year goals'.....
thanks for pointing all this out for me!
no sweat... at least for the 49 dollars you own it and you can shop around for the best solutions...even if you dont use it you can park it with them for a year for free then like 20 bucks a year after that... also owning it there may be options open to you like computer programs that do all the forwarding etc instead of paying monthly... all the stuff that you'd be paying monthly fees for there are ways for you to do it yourself for nothing more that time figuring it out and cost of the programs..
best part is anytime your not happy you can bounce with your number... just dont get into any contracts... buy the number and you have forever to research ways to route calls etc... if the companies can, you can too since its your number.. your local phone company may even have options, but id look into phone routing software
JUR-Z-Devil said:
no sweat... at least for the 49 dollars you own it and you can shop around for the best solutions...even if you dont use it you can park it with them for a year for free then like 20 bucks a year after that... also owning it there may be options open to you like computer programs that do all the forwarding etc instead of paying monthly... all the stuff that you'd be paying monthly fees for there are ways for you to do it yourself for nothing more that time figuring it out and cost of the programs..
best part is anytime your not happy you can bounce with your number... just dont get into any contracts... buy the number and you have forever to research ways to route calls etc... if the companies can, you can too since its your number.. your local phone company may even have options, but id look into phone routing software
I took the plunge and bought the number.. Thank you again! Would have been a mistake to grab it through grasshopper, and only be renting it...
The owner of the company highly reccomended 'Freedom Voice' which has a basic plan of 400 minutes for 9.95 per month, which is more than fine. I'll research though...
However, I may simply, change my personal email to a more generic business oriented one to start, to see if i can get away with it for now...I do have time to figure it out, but it's nice to have the number..I already feel like a 'bigger deal' LOL
I'm in Montague NJ....where are you out of?
yeah definately makes you feel and look legit even though most people dont use phones anymore.. ill be getting a few this summer myselffor my site and other sites i operate...
Im in south amboy... dead center of the bay..
Glad you got the number as it is cvool for yourname. What i did back in the day...when you could not choose a cell phone number...

Got a second land line with tghe number997-2572
Kept 2 landlines for 2 months.
Signed up for a second cell phone and ported my new landline number to cell and cancelled the landline.
My cell phone number is now...99-salsa. :lol:

You could do the same thing with the new phone number, and afterva couple steps, your main cell phone and business number would be gem crow. I do maintain a 800 number but very rarely get calls on it.