This comming weekend will be very busy. I have a meeting on Monday to get my sauces ready for production.I need all my recipes, detailed lists of ingredients, and samples for them. If all goes well I should be running my first "professional" run in about a week or so. After that the product goes to the "Food Scientist" and Analysts to check out product stability, nutritional values etc. so when they are done then we will do a larger second run and then it will be ready for sampling and taste tests!!!
I went to a local farm market and ordered a case of Habbies and the guy looked at me as if I was nuts. He said it was a rare request????? HHHMMMMMMM
I went to a local farm market and ordered a case of Habbies and the guy looked at me as if I was nuts. He said it was a rare request????? HHHMMMMMMM