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breeding Butch T and Bhut Jolokia cross?

Has anybody had a cross between the two? My TS Butch T plant has created these strange looking pods. They are long, but with ridges on them. Only 2 of my pods resemble a Trinidad Scorpion. I have both of these plants growing in my tent. Does this look like a cross between the two?



A regular looking pod and a quarter. Compare this with the strange pod in the back. The strange pod is even bigger than the quarter itself!

I also want to ask if the same has occured with my Bhut Jolokia. The pods seem to have a wide upper portion, and an indentation on the bottom. The pods are also lighter in color than the Butch T, kind of like a whitish light green. Are they supposed to look like that?

If you planted verified seed that's what you have. Any crosses that occur do not show themselves until you plant the seed from a crossed pod. :)
If you planted verified seed that's what you have. Any crosses that occur do not show themselves until you plant the seed from a crossed pod. :)

Oh, so the pods don't show any new traits? These came from Butch T Pods I obtained from a friend of mine. Same with the Bhut Jolokias too.
I wouldn't worry, not all pods turn out true to form. There is of course the possibility that you receieved crossed seeds though.

edit: stupid android