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seeds Butch T seed germination time

How long on average does it take to start Butch T seeds?
I grew these last year and I have a feeling that it didn't take this long (over a week) and nothing popping up in the mini greenhouse.
Mine popped over days 7 through 14. Got 5 out of 6 during that time. Had them in Promix with a heating pad set to 85 degrees.
amps - I think you have the right method! Last season, I had no bottom heat and it took up to 24 days for all my Trinidads to germinate.
ya just gotta be patient. i have had as few as 4 days through to a month. this year i sowed seeds on xmas day and a seed just popped today and that is using a heat pad.
but if i average everything out, i would say 10 days.
Hey guys saw this thread and thought I'd ask here, just bought some seeds but the butch t seeds look a bit different? I'm new to growing chillis from seed and just thought I'd get some opinions on the quality?
It mine 4-14 days. I accually believe Butch Ts like it a little bit hotter for germination than other super hots. It might be just me but, after about two weeks I start having trouble with keeping the mositer levels steady in my humidity dome and the seeds suffer. They either get to dry or stay to wet and get rotten/fungus.
The supers are pretty similar in germinations times. As long as you have good seed, keep them moist and warm its 1-3 weeks. Old seed stock takes longer. Bad seeds you get nothimg. Not really that complicated.
Key is to keep the temp. and moisture level consistent -- I started 25 pellets of various seeds (2 seeds per pellet) last weekend inside a Burpee seed tray w cover placed inside a sterlite container with an old electric blanket inside (has to be an old one so no auto shut off after a couple hours) - with the blanket set on low it keeps the inside of the sterlite around 85-90 degrees and the covered seed tray keeps the moisture in so nice and humid)

It's been just under a week and the first of 3 Butch T's is hooking -- So far have 1 Butch T, 1 7pot Primo, 1 7pot Jonah, 1 7pot, 1 Ghost Pepper, 2 Yellow Brain Strain, 1 Arledge, 2 Pepperoncini, 1 Large red Sweet Italian Pepper sprouts up and in another seed tray under lights. So 11 out of the 25 pellets have sprouted in under a week and waiting on the other 14.

Here's a pic of the setup (minus the lid which stays on to keep the temp and moisture levels up) I use :


And the sprouts from this week (minus the Butch T and 7pot Jonah which are just barely hooking so are not moved out of the germ chamber yet - the seed case comes off better if they stay in the humid chamber until just before breaking through the soil).

This is the challenge for sure. On 12-31-12, I planted cups (with 1 to 3 seeds each) and as of today (1-18-13) I have one that has sprouted. I have them in Hydrofarm humidity domes and heat mats at 80 degrees (Hydrofarm digital thermostats). Yesterday, I cranked them up to 84 degrees. This weekend, I will take additional seeds and start them in paper towels in ziplock bags. Once in the ziplocks (and provided you keep the ziplock at room temp or reasonably above), you will have sprouts in six days sufficient to put into cups. I have had seeds take more than three weeks but this year, I'm doing worse than ever. 19 days and 1/45 have sprouted. Nothing worthwhile in life is easy.

Somebody cheer me up.

Good luck,

Big Mike
Visit us Online: www.knot2worry.us
I planted one Butch t in a small pot and set it on the windowsill in December because i had the green thumb jitters. I never grew from seed before and was just playing around. It took almost a month and i had a tiny sprout. That was with no heat mat and i have no clue what the temp was there. The 16th of Jan i planted 25 more in jiffy pellets and another 25 today in one of those dome trays and put them under t8s. Hopefully they don't take near as long as the first one cause my grow season isn't the longest. I'm not intending to hijack this thread either but i took the temp in the dome and the air was 92 degrees. That's not to hot is it? I have my lights about an inch above the dome in a cabinet in my kitchen. Should i raise them or leave the door open to cool it down?
Not to worry about high jacking the thread lol the more info the better :)
I have still yet to have one come up and i planted them on the 1st of the month.
I did order new seeds so hopfully they will be here in no time and I can start a whole new batch.
I ordered Pumpkin Hab, Butch T, and Giant Ghost. Should be an interesting year.
Just wait man. Lol... I was about to plant another seed in that pot or just forget about it all together but she came up. Your seeds Prolly aren't bad they just seem to take there time. I'm going to be planting more here soon but i have been thinking I'm going to germinate then in wet paper towels first this time so i don't have any duds. But yeah I'm on the edge of my seat right now waiting for these things to sprout. Its like somewhere inside me thinks there not gonna come up. Idk paranoia will destroy ya i guess. Lol
Just wait man. Lol... I was about to plant another seed in that pot or just forget about it all together but she came up. Your seeds Prolly aren't bad they just seem to take there time. I'm going to be planting more here soon but i have been thinking I'm going to germinate then in wet paper towels first this time so i don't have any duds. But yeah I'm on the edge of my seat right now waiting for these things to sprout. Its like somewhere inside me thinks there not gonna come up. Idk paranoia will destroy ya i guess. Lol

Well the seeds where from a pod (the only pod) I was able to fully grow last year. I kept them in a old cassette tape container on top of a speaker so maybe not the best idea.
I ordered new seeds to give more selection and hopfully more pods then last year.