chinense Butch Taylor Reaper Scorpion / BTR Scorpion

From what I've seen and heard they seem to be a pretty nasty pod. Thought it was strange that Butch Taylor would have Dale being the only one to sell seeds for his creation but I asked Butch and he said they are the real deal. He told Dale that he could sell them. I'm planning on ordering some since I now know they really are Butch's BTR. Butch has nothing to do with any of Dale's marketing though. Just told him he could sell seeds
You got that right, Tony! I'd love to grow this out. What a beautiful pod! And the heat sounds right up my alley. I hate the throat burn, which he says it doesn't have. I could do without the floral flavor, though. Thank you for posting this, Jedi.
Someguy, talk to Ignite cause he just said he got his seed stock from Butch T himself.  I have never understood exclusivity in a wholesale / retail (buy sell) relationship.  I could understand the benefit to the retailer who pays a premium to be the only person who can distribute, but failing a healthy chunk of change for that right I do not understand how it sells the wholesaler / producer at all.  I would think that having lots of places sell your product would generate the most sales. 

Thing is, I do not know business what so ever.  Keep seeing other businesses do things and wondering what the hell?
From what I've heard Butch let Dale sell the BTR so he wouldn't sell Judy's Lava. I saw someone asking Butch on FB why Dale and I believe he said he sent Dale some pods and some of those pods were the BTR and some of Judy's Lava. Dale wanted to sell the Lava but Butch told him he would let him sell his BTR if Dale wouldn't sell the Lava. Butch didn't want him selling Lavas since Judy hadn't released it yet. Hope I got that right. Been awhile since I saw that post but that's pretty much what was said. I had been wondering myself why Dale was the one selling them and not a larger seed vendor
Sounds to me like Mr. Taylor is a stand up guy to want to protect Judy that way.  Thing is, I think also you have to give some credit to the guy at Bakers Peppers because neither of these are protected by PVPA and can not be patented.  The guy could have grown and sold both with no permission needed.  Not saying that would be the moral, just, or right thing to do.  Just saying he is obviously not a snake if he is going to respect such an agreement.

ajdrew said:
Sounds to me like Mr. Taylor is a stand up guy to want to protect Judy that way.  Thing is, I think also you have to give some credit to the guy at Bakers Peppers because neither of these are protected by PVPA and can not be patented.  The guy could have grown and sold both with no permission needed.  Not saying that would be the moral, just, or right thing to do.  Just saying he is obviously not a snake if he is going to respect such an agreement.

true to a extent ,  but remember theres lots of different varieties of snakes , and all don't have the same agenda .       :onfire:
The video above and the marketing site contradict the hell out of each other.  They do not seem to be talking about the same pepper.

1. Site says it was "created" by Mr. Taylor but Mr. Taylor says he discovered it.
2. Site says it is a cross between a Butch T Scorpion and a Carolina Reaper but video says it has nothing to do with the Butch T Scorpion.
3. Site says it matures green to red but video says it is talking about a brown / chocolate.

Thinking the video and the pepper offered / that we are talking about are two different things.

Another thought: I know for a fact that chocolate reapers pop up.  Had it happen.  In the video, evidently Mr. Taylor thinks the same, that it must be either a chocolate primo or reaper.  Kind of confusing on the video, but I think he indicated Pepper Lover had the brown pop up too.  Thing is, when the guy from Bakers Peppers mentioned having found a chocolate reaper here on THP he got blasted by Mr. Curry on that topic, then they bickered for a bit.

Seems there is now ample evidence that the Chocolate Reaper pops up for many folk, including the very well respected Butch Taylor.  I think this should serve as a lesson to all of us not to jump someone's shit for sharing something new.  Yep, maybe the guy upset some folk on some issues but to trash him on every issue seems very counter productive.  After all, the Chocolate Reaper seems to be reality now and when he started talking about it, people trashed him.

Not saying I wanna swap spit in the shower with the guy, but damn.
Smokemaster, sure using he name Butch Taylor will help sell seeds.  Thing is, there is nothing illegal about stating factual information and no trademark on the name. What ever the agreement between Mr. Taylor and Mr. Baker, it is a gentleman's agreement: no court or rule of law needed.  I have to respect that because frankly I view much of criminal and civil law / courts as frustrated parents trying to manage unruly children.

In all these many years humanity has walked this earth, we should have by now matured enough to be able to make handshake deals and honor those deals. Much praise to Mr. Baker and Mr. Taylor for coming up with this deal and avoiding the whole lawyer letter crop burning reality TV show thing.
Dale is a thief, and its part of the reason he is banned here. Supporting anything he does is supporting a thief. I couldn't live with that, he will never see a dime from me no matter what he has. I say shame on Butch for getting in bed with him.
Hogleg, I can respect the hell out of that from a person with reason to feel that way.  I am all about boycotting some large retailers when I can because i do not like their business practices.  I figure it is one of the most important ways folk vote in a society such as mine.  But I do not know him, you, or anyone that has chimed in on the subject.  So I can not have such a strong opinion.

Thinking that is probably Mr. Taylor's opinion.  Likely the man has nothing to do with what you are reporting, maybe even completely unaware.  This might be another reason exclusivity is often unpleasant.  I remember when Mr. Curry and Pepper Joe struck a deal for exclusivity.  Lots of people who were upset with Pepper Joe got instantly angry with Mr. Curry.  Maybe seed producers should just sort of put their stuff out there and let the buy sell people do as they will without giving anyone exclusive anything.  I don't really know cause I got no business smarts.  I just grow the things and then sell the things.

I will say this: The hot pepper industry is entertaining as hell.

BTW: You do not really think he is not here and participating do you?