The video above and the marketing site contradict the hell out of each other. They do not seem to be talking about the same pepper.
1. Site says it was "created" by Mr. Taylor but Mr. Taylor says he discovered it.
2. Site says it is a cross between a Butch T Scorpion and a Carolina Reaper but video says it has nothing to do with the Butch T Scorpion.
3. Site says it matures green to red but video says it is talking about a brown / chocolate.
Thinking the video and the pepper offered / that we are talking about are two different things.
Another thought: I know for a fact that chocolate reapers pop up. Had it happen. In the video, evidently Mr. Taylor thinks the same, that it must be either a chocolate primo or reaper. Kind of confusing on the video, but I think he indicated Pepper Lover had the brown pop up too. Thing is, when the guy from Bakers Peppers mentioned having found a chocolate reaper here on THP he got blasted by Mr. Curry on that topic, then they bickered for a bit.
Seems there is now ample evidence that the Chocolate Reaper pops up for many folk, including the very well respected Butch Taylor. I think this should serve as a lesson to all of us not to jump someone's shit for sharing something new. Yep, maybe the guy upset some folk on some issues but to trash him on every issue seems very counter productive. After all, the Chocolate Reaper seems to be reality now and when he started talking about it, people trashed him.
Not saying I wanna swap spit in the shower with the guy, but damn.