for-sale Cactus cuttings for sale

     I pruned my Trichocereus cacti a few months ago and have a bunch of cuttings to get rid of again. These are all healthy and callused cuttings ready to ship and plant. If you want more information about them, check out the cactus thread in the "growing other" forum. I wrote detailed instructions on how to plant and grow these when I sold some last year.
     Let my know if you have any questions or interest in buying. I'll keep this post updated with inventory as people buy them. The list at the bottom of this post details pricing and availability. (I'll just delete prices as they sell.)
     Shipping is free on orders over $75. CONUS only. The refried beans are not for sale.
These are T. macrogonus (on the blue and white towel - ignore the pachanoi cutting at the top of the pic on the white towel)
#1: The biggest cutting (top) is about 2' long and weighs over 5lb. (It is all one piece)
#2: The smallest cutting is about 8" long.
#3, #4: The two mid-sized ones are both about 14" long.

These are the pachanois.
#5: The one on the bottom is over 2.5' long.
#6: The next one up is about 3' long.
#7: The smallest one is about 14".
#8, #9: The two in the upper right are about 2'. (See that new bud on the top one?)
#10: The one in the upper left is about 1.5'

These are the bridgesiis.
#11: The small one is about 8"
#12: The big one is just over a foot long.

     The lowest prices I found for T. pachanoi cuttings on ebay was about $15 per foot. (Others were considerably more expensive.) So that's what I'm going to use as a baseline. Prices vary based on cosmetics. I couldn't find any macrogonus or bridgesii cuttings, but I know that my prices are much less than what I paid for them over ten years ago when I bought the cuttings that became my plants.
Pricing list:
#1:     $40
#3:     $25
#6:     $45
#8:     $20

#10:   $20
Wow! Those are beautiful cuttings! I'm really digging the Bridgesii. (I'd snatch it up, but lacking funds). I've had seedlings in the past (maybe 2" tall). You must have some beautiful mother cacti. Great looking stuff!
Bhuter said:
Wow! Those are beautiful cuttings! I'm really digging the Bridgesii. (I'd snatch it up, but lacking funds). I've had seedlings in the past (maybe 2" tall). You must have some beautiful mother cacti. Great looking stuff!
     Thanks! They're not bad looking. :cool:  At this point, they get top heavy and blow over in thunderstorms if I don't cut them back every year. Take a look at the cacti thread if you want to see them.
Jubnat said:
     How musha you wan?
     Update: bridgesiis are both called for and there are only two macrogonuses (macrogoni? :think: ) left. Check inventory in OP for specifics.
     I still have that giant pachanoi cutting available for sale if anyone is interested. I'll have to cut it into three or four pieces in order to ship it, though. It's a very healthy cutting and will be ready to pot up in a few weeks. With a little care (less than a chile plant OW) each piece will grow into a big, multi-stem candelabra in about 5 years. :cheers:
As a beginner and living in PNW with large rainfall Oct thru April

What 3 would you suggest for a beginner out of what's left in your inventory?

I looked at the growing other thread....not many pics available and after 3 pages didn't gleen much info on growing etc.

I would be container gardening in pot similar to the size on that handrailed porch of your pics in that thread.

I put up a green house this yr so that's an option for overwintering. #1 and #3 is all that is left?

Put me down for #3 at the moment to at least get something started.
Masher said:
As a beginner and living in PNW with large rainfall Oct thru April

What 3 would you suggest for a beginner out of what's left in your inventory?

I looked at the growing other thread....not many pics available and after 3 pages didn't gleen much info on growing etc.

I would be container gardening in pot similar to the size on that handrailed porch of your pics in that thread.

I put up a green house this yr so that's an option for overwintering. #1 and #3 is all that is left?

Put me down for #3 at the moment to at least get something started.
     Sorry about the confusion with my inventory in the OP. The only cutting I have left is #6. (THP won't let me edit that post anymore.) That species would do fine in your climate.
     As far as growing goes, overwintering has to be done in a cool dry place. These cacti will tolerate temps down into the mid 20s, but colder than that and they have to come in. I think you should be alright overwintering them in a greenhouse in your climate if you stay warm enough to get rain all winter. hogleg would be a good resource on that front. I gave him some cuttings a few years ago and he's had good luck with them.
     Here's one of the posts I made about cactus care: There are others after that one that detail the planting, rooting and overwintering processes.
     If my older posts with photodumpster links aren't showing pics, I'll try to reupload some of them this weekend if you're curious.
     Thanks for looking!
     Here's a pic of T. pachanoi after it came out of dormancy and drank a little in April a few years ago. In the height of summer, they will green up even more than that. (Don't worry if the cuttings I showed on this page look a little yellow and gross. These cacti look beautiful while they're actively growing.)

Thanks for the quick reply.

I am youtubing additional info etc.

Can it be halved for two starts?

If so...cut it accordingly and I will take both of them.

Let me know about payment etc....98632 for shipping
Masher said:
Thanks for the quick reply.

I am youtubing additional info etc.

I am going to pass on that last one. Will look forward to next season's cuttings I think.

     Sounds good. I might have some cuttings available next year, we'll see. My wife and I moved last summer and my cacti don't have the long growing season and daylight hours that they used to back in Illinois. If they respond by growing slower, I'll probably take a year off from pruning.
Hybrid Mode 01 said:
     Sounds good. I might have some cuttings available next year, we'll see. My wife and I moved last summer and my cacti don't have the long growing season and daylight hours that they used to back in Illinois. If they respond by growing slower, I'll probably take a year off from pruning.
I edited above post.... please reread and let me know :cheers:
Masher said:
Thanks for the quick reply.

I am youtubing additional info etc.

Can it be halved for two starts?

If so...cut it accordingly and I will take both of them.

Let me know about payment etc....98632 for shipping
     Absolutely. If I were able to cut in three pieces, shipping costs would go down a bunch and the cacti wouldn't care one bit. ;) If that sounds good, I could cut it today and get it in the mail Monday morning. Let me know.
     Just be wary of YouTube vids about growing Trichocereus. Most, if not all of them recommend using "cactus mix" for soil. That's bad for these. They fare much better in well-drained soil with lots of organic matter. Sand is OK for drainage, but it won't hold the nutrients or pH these cacti need - they eat a lot and grow fast. Also, I don't think I've seen one video that mentions amending the soil with lime. They need soil with high pH and Calcium.
     I'm going on my 11th season growing these cacti and over the years I've picked up many hints and tricks and had a chance to try them out first hand and see how the plants respond. A lot of the information out there is crap. But as long as you try to keep in mind what kind of climate and ecosystem these plants evolved to live in, it will get pretty easy to sift through the BS.
Sure...cut it into 3 pieces.

I will use ffof soil and add chunk perlite to the mix.

So... I will need to wait for the cuttings to re scab over before attempting to plant up?
Masher said:
Sure...cut it into 3 pieces.

I will use ffof soil and add chunk perlite to the mix.

So... I will need to wait for the cuttings to re scab over before attempting to plant up?
     Good deal! I'll cut them after breakfast and get them in some circulating air.
     Yes. I will make sure they are dry when I box them up, but they will still need a few weeks for the newly exposed parenchyma cells to differentiate into callus (scar) tissue. It's a pain, but it's important. That line of cells will be the plant's only line of defense between soil-borne pathogens and the inside of the cutting.
     I'm officially out of cuttings. Thank you to everyone who bought from me this season. I hope you have as much fun growing them as I have had over the last decade. Who knows, in five or ten years you guys might be spreading the hobby to friends and neighbors (and making some beer money on the side :cool: ).
     Good luck and feel free to get a hold of me in the cactus thead or via PM if you have any questions about rooting, growing or OWing them. And remember to post pics!
I believe I got cacti #8...a 2 foot Pachanoi. He made it into two cuttings for easier shipping (let them sit before shipping). But I got it in two pieces (not a problem). I laid down the cutting that was calloused on both ends for the planting. Here it is today...WITH A PUP!!!




Gonna get it ready for overwintering/dormancy before I put it into a better container around January.

Thank you very much, HM01!!!!