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smoking Cajun Tilapia night!

Ok, I figured its about time I post some BBQ pics, BBQing is my second favorite pastime to drinking beer, wait....those two things go together. :P

Here is before it hits the grill.

Here is on the grill, with an ice cold beer looking on....


And here it is served with red potatoes grilled with zesty italian dressing and a red onion. Pretty good stuff!!

There's a ton of 'em in my co-worker's canal behind his house. You can almost catch 'em with a butterfly net.
I thinks i needs to go a-fishing over there soon.....
I like it because its nice and clean, fish taste without the fishy smell if you know what I mean. :)
Looks great!

Mmm, I have some of that in the freezer.

I just made a fun test batch of a seasoning with Lemon Pepper, Morich & Chipotle powder and Gel Seafood Seasoning. Hmm..I was gonna use it on some chicken, but may have to thaw that fishy out now. :D

Ah, I was wrong I have Mahi-Mahi, not tilapia....

Nice beer BTW too. ;)

Let me know how the Mahi Mahi is, I've been wanting to try it but we've been in a Tilapia rut as of late, I would like to know how it compares in taste. I can get it fresh from the store like the Tilapia. :)